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Wang yibo cousin visited his cousin apartment the following day. He found wang yibo is still the old self, expressionless and reading a book, Li wei, yibo cousin always wonders what's so great about reading, their's a lot of fun things apart from reading those boring and complicated books and being ever serious.

"Where were you last night? Your parents called asking your whereabouts." Yibo closed his book and asked the young teenage boy who slightly frowned, whatever happened last night it's all wang yibos fault, leaving him alone with unknown people.

"You left me all alone! Those strangers who you kidnapped their friend had me locked up!" Li wei complained, yibo didn't say a word, he kept quite for few minutes then faced his cousin.

"Did you find the name of the person i 'kidnapped' last night?  because in your eye's i kidnapped him." Yibo asked li wei who froze and gave yibo a surprised look, he never expected his cousin will ask him such a question, he is the one who got that strange boy and now he is asking him.

"Cousin how did you expect me to know his name, you were with him, i didn't even see him properly because you were all over him being the jealous guy!" Li wei answered and rolled his eyes, but he kept his mouth shut and moved a safe distance when wang yibo moods fall down to zero and his eyes were pricking every part of his body.

"One more nonsense from you and you will loose your tongue, get out and you will come here after knowing the name of that boy." Yibo instructed making li wei to feel like fainting, how will he know someone he has never met before, the way the city is big, where will he start, or should he start walking around the city asking 'hey have you seen someone i don't know? Because my cousin wants to know his name!' Li wei wanted to protest but with his cousin gaze, he became speechless and decided to leave, he will die of coldness in this house, li wei took a deep breath after leaving the apartment, he didn't realise he was so tensed that he forgot to breath.

"He is just so scary, i doubt if he will ever find someone to marry." Li wei whispered and decided to go back home, he is not going to find that stranger, he will just stay away from that impossible cousin of his.

One month later

Xiao zhan holiday came to an end and today he will be going back to work, for the few weeks he was home, he didn't dare go out afraid he might see that pyscho. Xiao zhan woke up early, prepared himself, had his breakfast and headed to work, today is such a good day, arriving at the hospital, he found some of his workmates and they seem to change a lot making xiao zhan to  be curious. This is really strange.

"Well guy's, what's with the sudden change? You guy's rarely apply make up or dress so extravagant, but now with the sudden change, I am curious." Zhan asked, the workmates looked at each other and smiled.

"Were you not aware we have a new surgeon? He is so handsome and unique, we are trying our luck to win him over." One of them answered making xiao zhan to roll his eyes.

"I see all the best, i will be in my office, see you guy's later." Zhan answered and walked away, he opened his office and found everything was left the way he left apart from some missing files which were very important. Zhan frowned, who will dare come to his office and take some important documents from his office, zhan left his office and approached his group mates.

"Who entered my office without my permission?" Zhan asked expecting an answer.

"The new surgeon did, he said he wanted to know more about his colleagues whom he will be working with, by the way he instructed you to go to his office after you have returned." Zhan was informed, zhan wasn't happy at all, it seems like that useless man called surgeon didn't learn something called confidentiality!. Zhan headed to the so called surgeon office, he is so ready to teach him some manners. Zhan knocked at the door several times without getting an answer. He even has an attitude!' Zhan thought and became even more upset with that unknown person. Zhan decided to go inside, and what he saw made him to freeze on the same spot.

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