Chapter 18: I Love You

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(Nina's Pov)

After yesterday and trying to concur my fear of looking in the mirror, me and Kevin pretty much just relaxed and watched movies for the rest of the night but I've also been thinking about wanting to meet Kevin's friends...not IRL yet but I mean playing videogames and over discord because why not?

Anyways, I fluttered my eyes open to the gloomy brightness shining through Kevin's bedroom window, I sighed and groaned as I turned the other way and snuggled against Kevin more just wanting to go back to sleep but knowing me that'll never happen.

I heard Fia whine which made me sigh as I sat up and rubbed my face tiredly "gotta go outside?" I asked, she barked which made me smile and roll my eyes. I hopped out of bed stretching and yawning "Come on girl. Let's go" I said, she barked as we headed out of Kevin's room. I grabbed her leash and attached it to her collar.

I slid on my shoes as we headed out of the house and outside greeted by the cool air and bright gloomy sky. I took a deep breath and sighed as me and Fia headed downstairs and to the patch of grass so she could do her business.

When she finished, we headed back inside where Kevin was awake and making coffee. He looked at me and smiled "Mornin love" he said, I smiled "Morning" I said as I took off Fia's leash and made sure she had food and water, "Sleep well?" he asked while he handed me a cup of coffee.

I just smiled and nodded "How about you?" I asked, he smiled and nodded which made me smile and sip my coffee "Hey Kev?" I asked, he looked at me "I was thinking I could play games and meet your friends" I said,

Kevin's eyes widen as a small smile formed on his face "Really?" he asked, I just smiled softly and nodded "alright. We can do that" He said, I giggled and nodded which made Kevin chuckle and kiss my head "Any game preference?" he asked, "Mario kart" I said, Kevin laughed "Alrighty, let me text the lads" he said, I just nodded as Kevin got out his phone to text the others while I finished up my coffee and got something small to eat.

After I had something to eat, Kevin came out of his office "Alright the lads are in" he said, I smiled softly and nodded "They're excited to meet ya" He said, I smiled shyly as my heart raced a bit "what if they don't like me?" I asked, Kevin smiled and kissed my head "Oh they're gonna love ya. Don't worry" he said, I just took a deep breath and nodded which made him smile softly.

I followed Kevin to his office where he sat in his chair and pulled me on his lap. I blushed and smiled which made him chuckle as he pulled up Discord "ya ready?" he asked, my heart raced and stomach churned. I took a few deep breaths and nodded which made him smile and join in on the call that had 4 other guys in the call.

I immediately got overwhelmed by everyone talking "Oh Kevin's back" one guy said, (Daniel) "Oooooh Kevin's got a girl on his lap" another guy said (Brian), Kevin chuckled as I blushed shyly "who's the lass Kev?" another Irish guy said (Jack), Kevin smiled "lads I'd like ya ta meet my girlfriend Nina, Nina meet Sean, Daniel, Brian and David, my Irish friends" He said,

I just smiled softly and waved "H-Hi" I said shyly, the others chuckled and waved "How's it going?" Sean asked, I smiled "It's going good" I said, the others smiled "you're American?" Brian asked, I nodded "Where you from?" he asked, "Salt Lake City, Utah" I said, "Oh wow far away from home huh?" Daniel asked,

I just shrugged "Nothing there for me anymore anyways. Everything I have is right here" I said and looked at Kevin who smiled and kissed my head. The others awed which made me and Kevin smile "Alright are we ready ta play some mother fricken Mario Kart?" David asked,

We all chuckled and started up the game. Kevin handed me one side of the switch which made me smile as he started up the game and joined in with the others "Have you played Mario Kart before Nina?" Brian asked, I smiled "Haven't in a long while" I said with an awkward chuckle "but you know how to play yes?" Sean asked, I chuckled and rolled my eyes "Well duh" I said,

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