Chapter 6: I-I Can't Do It...

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(Nina's Pov)

I don't know what I'm supposed to do...I can't move, I can't stop shaking or crying, I can't call for help...people were getting more confused and concerned but I couldn't do anything about it...what do I do? What do I do? "Hey, hey, hey are you okay?" I heard someone ask frantically...

I didn't bother to look at who it is but it freaked me out more cause it was man...I trembled more and looked at the man's shoes. He crouched down and put a hand on my knee which made me scream and flinch and scoot back "Please, please no, no, no don't please" I begged and panicked more.

The man's eyes widen with concern. He looked kind enough but I don't trust him...I can't...I can't...he can't be The man put his hands up in defense "Hey, I'm not-I'm not going to hurt ya. Are you alright? Are ya hurt?" he asked with a thick irish accent. The man had short brownish/red hair, long red facial hair and bright blue eyes.

He was wearing simple jeans and a t-shirt with some logo on it that I didn't pay attention to. The man genuinely looked concerned and worried. I bit my lip and whimpered which cause me to hiccup. I clenched my fists tightly as tears streamed down my face.

My head and heart hurt, I couldn't breathe, it was hard to breathe, I felt like vomiting and passing out at the same time. The man could tell I was panicking which made him start to look panicked as he scratched his head and cursed under his breath "okay, okay hey ma'am listen to me okay. I'm not goin to hurt ya, but I need ya to calm down so you don't pass out alright?" he asked softly, I didn't care that he was tryin to help...he can't be this nice...there's no way.

I didn't say anything "it's gonna be alright ma'am okay? I promise I mean no harm but you need to calm down alright. Play a game with me for a moment can ya do that?" he asked, I looked up at him to see he seemed to be sincere and genuine enough to help me...I just wanted this to all I can leave and go home, crawl under my bed and just rot there for life...

I just nodded which made him smile softly "okay, okay good. Now, what are 5 things you see?" he asked, I looked around "s-shelves, canned food, s-signs, p-people, b-basket" I said softly, the man smiled softly "good, good, 4 things you feel?" He asked, "f-floor, my sh-shoes, my jumper, my sweats" I said as my heart and breathing started to decrease a little.

The man smiled softly "good, 3 things you hear?" he asked, "m-my breathing, y-you, other people" I said, he just nodded "Good, 2 things you smell?" he asked, I sniffed the air for a moment "cologne, pastries" I said as I was near a pastry aisle after all.

The man smiled "Good and 1 thing you taste?" he asked, "my tears" I whispered as I took a deep shaky breath, the man let out sigh in relief, "good, are you okay?" he asked, I just nodded "what happened if ya don't mind me askin?" he asked as he scooted a little closer which made me back away.

He looked a little hurt by that but I didn't fully trust him...I can't trust him...not yet or ever "I-I'm s-sorry. I-I just p-panicked...I-I needed to get food b-but I just freaked out...I-I'm sorry" I said as little as possible. The man nodded "it's quite alright. It happens, I thought I'd step in because no one else would" He said,

I just nodded and sniffled as I still stayed on the ground not trusting myself to stand up yet, "Would you like some help?" he asked, I didn't know what to do, he looked nice but I can't trust him...I can't...I sniffled and wiped my face "I'm not gonna hurt ya" He said softly...but how could I be so sure...he could be leading up to it...he could be playing nice to me and then once he helps me and I let him in and trust him he's going to hurt me...

I clenched my fists and started to panic again as I groaned and curled up in a ball again, "hey, hey. It's alright you don't have to say yes, I just wanted ta make sure you're alright. I didn't want ta leave you spooked" He said, I sniffled "H-How can I be s-sure y-you won't hurt me?" I asked as I hiccupped a bit.

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