Chapter 14: Boyfriend Comfort

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(Nina's Pov)

After what happened yesterday, I couldn't thank Kevin enough for just staying with me and not leaving me or hating me...I mean he loves me for me and I love him so much...but I'm still keeping the biggest thing from him and that's my past...I'm still so scared to tell him what happened because what if he doesn't love me anymore? What if he thinks I'm gross? I can't...I just can't...

Anyways, I fluttered my eyes open to the brightness shining through Kevin's bedroom window. I sighed and groaned just wanting to go back to sleep but knowing me that'll never happen. I looked at my phone seeing it was 9am which made me sigh and whine a bit.

I crashed my head back on Kevin's pillow and yawned tiredly. I heard a chuckle from behind me which made me jump a bit until I looked seeing Kevin was sleeping beside me. My eyes widen, face flushed and heard pounded as Kevin fluttered his pretty blue eyes open.

I smiled shyly as his arms were secured around my waist but I didn't freak out because I know Kevin and I know that he would never hurt me. He's kind, sweet, gentle and patient...and it felt nice...I forgot what actual affection felt like without out panicking or freaking out...mainly cause the only other person who gave me affection was Beth and well...she's dead felt nice for once.

I looked at Kevin and smiled softly who did the same and brought a hand up and brushed a strand of hair out of my face "Mornin love" he whispered, I smiled softly "Mornin Kev" I whispered, he smiled softly "How'd ya sleep?" He asked, I yawned and sighed "Good. How about you?" I asked,

He smiled and chuckled a bit "Great with you by my side" he whispered, I blushed and smiled softly "Is this okay by the way? I wanna make sure you're comfortable" He asked, I smiled softly at his tenderness "Y-yea this is okay...I-I just haven't experienced this before b-but I'm okay" I said,

Kevin nodded "okay good" he said, I just nodded as we lied there in silence for a moment. For a while now I've been thinking about getting a pet, but I know pets are expensive but I really wanted one because maybe it would help make me feel better, "What's on your mind love?" Kevin asked,

I looked at him and shook my head "Just thinking" I said, he brushed a strand of hair from my face "What about?" he asked, I bit my lip a bit and sighed "you can tell me love" He said, I sighed "I-I want a pet" I whispered; Kevin chuckled "What kind of pet?" he asked, "A puppy" I said, Kevin laughed "Well then, let's go get us a puppy" He said, my eyes widen "W-wait really?" I asked, he laughed "of course Love. If you think you can take care of a puppy and it'll make you feel better I will get you whatever you want" He said,

I blushed and smiled as I held onto Kevin's shirt and lied my head on his chest "Thank you Kevin" I said, he chuckled and rubbed and kissed my head which made me smile softly "Of course Love, anything ta make ya happy" he said which made me giggle and smile.

I looked at him and smiled which made him do the same. He cupped my cheek and leaned down to press a kiss to my lips. I blushed and smiled as I kissed back. The kiss was so sweet, lingering and passionate and it always left a warm feeling inside. We both pulled away breathlessly and smiled "I love you so much Nina" he whispered, I smiled shyly "I-I love you too Kevin" I said which made him smile and pamper my face with kisses which made me giggle and smile.

Kevin chuckled as we sat up and stretched. We hopped out of bed stretching and yawning. I didn't want to bother to change so I just slid on my shoes as did Kevin since he was wearing sweats and a t-shirt, "wanna get coffee on the way?" He asked, I just smiled and nodded which made him smile as we grabbed our coats and headed out of his place greeted by the bright gloominess that is of Ireland.

I shivered a little as a gust of wind blew through us. Kevin chuckled as I slid on his jacket he gave me "you look so cute in my jacket" he said, I blushed and smiled which made him smile as we walked to the café for some coffee. I still felt a little nervous to hold Kevin's hand so I did what I felt comfortable in doing and held onto his jacket.

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