Chapter 16: I Will Never Ever Hurt You

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(Kevin's Pov)

I woke up this mornin without Nina in bed next to me. I could tell because I got cold very fast and Nina is my source of heat. I assumed she was takin Fia out so I hopped out of bed stretchin and yawnin. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and walked out of my room and to the kitchen seein Nina makin coffee.

I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She giggled a little and handed me a mug of coffee which made me thank her. She asked what the plans were for today but it felt too early ta think so I had no idea.

I told Nina I had videos ta edit but I told her we could do whatever she wanted when I finished which made her nod as I kissed her head and headed to my office ta work. After about a while, I hear Fia barkin which made me a bit worried so I got up to see if she and Nina were okay.

When I got to my room, Nina was breakin down on my bed which made me worried so I sat on the bed and asked if she was okay which she wasn't from the looks of it. I asked if I could hold her which she said I could and I held and rubbed her hands then pulled her close to me as she trembled and sobbed.

When she calmed down, I asked what happened and she told me she wanted to tell me everythin about her past which I wanted to know about but if it's this big of a thing that she's breakin down about then I don't want her to force herself to tell me for my sake.

But she said she wanted to tell me, but she as just scared of my reactions but I told her that nothin about her past will change how I feel about her so she managed to gather as much strength as she could and began to tell me about her life that I didn't know.

Apparently when she as born, her parents gave her up for adoption which made her question why that was. She told me she was in a foster care for a long while but when she 10 things started to go downhill...Not only was she bullied by some of the other kids but she told me she was raped by her older foster brother...

My heart broke and shattered when I heard all of what happened and it made my blood boil that it happened to her when she was 10 and for 3 years after that as well...No one should ever, ever, ever go through somethin like that...especially alone too and she was alone through it all...

She told me every single detail about how he handled he and treated her and how badly she felt and how disgusted she felt...She then told me how she ran away one year after the abuse and managed to be found by a nice lady named Beth who helped slowly put the pieces back together and helped her live.

But after she had passed and moved here, she told me she just got worse...She never slept, never ate, had nightmares everynight, harmed herself to take the pain away and never left her house...It was hard for her to get through it all but through her choked sobs and tremblin she told me that she hasn't told anyone that in 9 years...She's been keepin all of this in for 9 years...She felt so bad and felt so ashamed and disgusted for what happened...

All of it made me wanna cry but I didn't want her to feel bad for makin me do so and it took me a moment to process all of what she said. All I could do was hold her as she broke down again...I can't imagine all that weight she's been carryin on her shoulder and how she's been able to keep it hidden for this long...that must've been so lonely and I felt so bad that all of that happened.

I made sure to tell her and reassure that nothin that happened back then wasn't her fault whatsoever and that she should never feel ashamed or disgusted and it was an awful thing that happened that should have never happened.

I told her that I loved her so much and that it doesn't change how I feel about her which made her happy to hear...I was glad she was finally able to tell me...I just can't imagine all of that happened to her...At least now I know and all I can do is just be here for her.

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