Cap and the PSA

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Peter's POV
I just had to listen to 90 minutes of Uncle Steve's PSAs!!!!

I'm so done.

Not even Dad gave me sympathy, at least mom did though, this was his answer when I texted him I got detention for being late to class:

Petey-Pie: Hey Dad, hey Mom I got detention today so can one of u pick me up at 4:30 instead of 3 plz?

IronDad: Sure

Mommy Stark: Okay, why were you late for class though? 🤔🤨

Petey-Pie: I stopped a mugging on the way to school this morning. I was only like 5 minutes late tho!

Mommy Stark: Alright, fine.

IronDad: Wait, hold up, doesn't that mean you have to listen to Cap's PSAs?!?!!

Petey-Pie: Sadly, yes😢😭😢😭

Mommy Stark: Oh, buddy. Don't worry, we can get ice cream after or have a movie night. I know how much you hate those.

IronDad: LMFAO 🤣😂😅

Petey-Pie: 😞😕😒

Petey-Pie: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Petey-Pie: I should go

Petey-Pie: Bye Mom, love you ❤️😘

Petey-Pie: Bye Dad, love u

Mommy Stark: Bye Peter 😘😘😘

IronDad: Bye Pete

Uncle Steve did that to me, it's time for my revenge.

Everyone and I mean everyone, is in the living room when I get home.

Uncle Steve looks like he is about to give me his own PSA but I'm so done right now that I give him one.

I turn my chair around the way he does, placing my arms on the back of it. I start talking using my impression of his voice and say:

"So, I got detention" at this is face goes from Eyebrows of Disappointment to one that says "Oh no".

Revenge is so amazing!

I continue with my impression, "I know what I did was wrong. But what matters is how I'm going to make this right."

I give him the "Captain America" stare and just hold his gaze.

Dad and Mom are the only ones that know about the PSAs and Mom is trying to hold back her laughter and Dad is just full out wheezing.

Steve face is priceless and his face is as red as Wanda's magic. I continue though:

"So, you made these PSAs. You probably thought it was patriotic and cool, take it from a guy who has watched them; it's not. It's cringe and stupid. But what matters is how much fun it's going to be to tease you."

By now, Mom has broke and is laughing and Dad is on the floor, doubled over in laughter.

Seeing them laugh, I can't take it anymore; I start laughing too.

Uncle Steve doesn't even say anything, he just walks out leaving Mom, Dad and me laughing and everyone else confused.

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