As Long As The Moon Shines Bright

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Request from @endirgirl

Request from @endirgirl

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Peter's POV

I stumbled across the time machine Mr.Stark used to bring back half the population. I knew I shouldn't touch it but if the un-dusted Avengers could go back in time to get the infinity stones, why couldn't I go back to see Mr.Stark one more time?

I put on the suit Mr.Stark had wore when he time travelled and set the date. I was off to see Mr.Stark one more time.

I decide on a day about 6 years back. It was a lab day, I'd talk to him then. I hope he doesn't figure out I'm from the future. 

I step into the time machine and feel my stomach doing summer-saults. Then all of a sudden, I'm in the lab with Mr.Stark.

Mr.Stark walks in, looking surprised that I'm here. "Hey Underoos. How did you get here so fast?" He asked

I didn't say anything for a sec, I missed this man, the man I considered my father. I really missed him.


I shook my head and said with a smirk " I dunno, guess I'm just speedy like that."

Mr.Stark returned the smile and motioned for me to come over and help him with some ironman gauntlets.

"Hey Mr.Stark, can I talk to you for a second please?" I ask, nervously 

"Sure Pete, what's up?" He answers, putting down his wrench and looking at me. 

I take a deep breath and say "I really love you. I look at you as a father and I'm sorry if you don't see me as a son but I just need to get this of my chest before something happens because you never know what will happen. So I just really love you Mr.Sta- Dad. I love you Dad." 

Dad looks stunned for a second and then pulls me in for a hug, "I love you too son" He murmurs 

I silently cry into his shoulder and then I hear "Something happened to me, right?"

"What?" I ask in confusion, there's no way he could figure out I'm from the future right? He can't figure out I'm from the future. 

"Peter, kiddo, Underoos, my bambino, you're from the future, aren't you?" Dad asks 

I'm shocked, "How did you know?" I wonder 

"First of all, my Peter right now does not look like this, he looks younger and his hair is shorter; it's not as floppy. That brand you're wearing? Haven't seen it anywhere. Not in malls, not online, not in stores. No where, and I should know, I'm Tony Stark. That watch on your wrist,  you're wearing? I'm planning on giving that to Peter on his birthday, this year. It's kinda obvious to figure out, especially if your dad's Tony Stark." Dad explains 

I let out a sound of understanding and I cry, "Something did happen to you and- and, and I just w-wanted to se-e you again. So I used, your-your time machine to see you, when-when no one was looking." 

"It's okay Bambino, I understand. I know I was gonna die some day, so I'm not worried about that, is my death heroic though. I don't slip in the shower or something? Also my time machine?" Dad jokes 

"No. The most heroic death. And yeah, your time machine you built it for reasons that I shouldn't tell you yet." I say, "I just wish it wasn't you." 

"I know, well I don't know yet but I understand. But I'll do anything to save you Pete, anything." he says 

I nod, "I should probably get back before everyone notices I'm gone and current Peter comes back. I'm really gonna miss you Dad." I say, sadly 

"I love you Peter, forever and always. No matter what, I'll love you. As long as the moon shines bright, I'll love you." Dad says 

"I love you too, as long as the moon shines bright." I reply, with tears in my eyes, Dad nods and then I click the button. 

I'm back in the present, everyone staring at me. "WHY'D YOU USE THE TIME MACHINE!?!? YOU COULD SERIOUSLY MESS UP THE TIMELINE!" they yell at me

I don't even acknowledge them, Dad loves me and I love him. I smile. I got a couple more moments with Dad, just a couple, but I would give the world for them.

He's not gone, he right here, in my heart, forever and always. 

As Long as the Moon Shines Bright, he'll be here and I'll love him. 

Hope that was good, I wasn't sure what to do or how to write this but I think it turned out well. Hope you liked it! @endirgirl if you didn't just comment or message me and I'll redo it! 

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