Peter and the Bots.

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Third Person POV *Peter is Tony's bio son*

Steve had just gotten back from his mid morning run, so it was around 9 in the morning when he saw something strange. And that's coming from someone who was born in the 1920s, was frozen in ice and then woke him in the 2010s. 

He saw, three robots walking around in the living room. One with a fire extinguisher, one with a camera and one watching the others. What the hel was going on here? 

He saw Clint and Natasha walk in the room, Clint with bruises on his arms and legs and Natasha with three bright coloured streaks in her red hair, one neon green, one neon pink and one neon orange, all three colours looking terrible in her red hair. 

Clint probably pranked her and Nat beat him up, rightfully so, that woman scared the captain out of his wits. 

"Hey Cap, whatcha- what the hel?" Clint cut himself off as he saw the bots 

"What are they? Are they a threat?" Natasha asked, getting three daggers out of nowhere. What she was going to do with daggers against robots no one knew, but no one questioned it. It was Natasha, she could probably do something. 

"Hello small Midguardians! WHAT ARE WE DOING!??!" Thor bellowed, making the robots run in circles. 

"We are currently trying to figure out what they are." Steve said, pointing to the bots who were now beeping and whirring loudly. 

Natasha suddenly perked up, "Can you understand them with your Allspeak?" Natasha asked 

Thor listened for a second but then shook his head, "No. I can not understand the beasts of metal, Lady Natasha. I am apologetic." Thor said 

"No need to be, it was worth a try." Natasha said

"Can you call Tony please FRIDAY?" Clint asked 

"Of course, Princess Merida." FRIDAY replied, sounding amused as if she knew something. 

Peter then walked in wearing a science pun t-shirt (why can't you trust atoms? Because they make up everything!), track pants and his hair still messy from sleeping. "Hey Uncle Thor, Uncle Steve, Uncle Clint and Auntie Tasha." he greeted, going to the kitchen to which the present Avengers greeted back. 

"Hey guys." Peter repeated causing the Avengers to look at him weirdly. "Hello?" Clint said 

"Whatcha doing?" Peter asked 

"Nothing." Clint replied 

"Really? Seriously? Are you okay?" Peter said 

"I'm fine?" Clint replied, confused 

"Oh my god, that's terrible!" Peter exclaimed causing Clint to look offended and Natasha to laugh. 

Peter suddenly started laughing, "Wait till I tell Dad about that! You're gonna be in so much trouble!" Peter laughed out 

"Why would I be in trouble from Tony..........?" Clint trailed off 

"Uh, yeah you are!" Peter exclaimed 

"What? Why?" Clint whined 

"No way! I'm not taking the blame!" Peter cried out 


"Fiiiiiiine! You owe me though!" Peter said, smiling 

"WHAT DO I OWE YOU??!??" Clint shrieked 

"What'd you say Uncle Clint?" Peter asked him 

"What?" Clint wondered, confused 

Peter's POV

I walk into the living room to see Uncle Clint, Uncle Thor, Uncle Steve and Auntie Tasha. I greet them and then I see Dum-E, U and Butterfingers. "Hey guys!" I say to them 

I get a cheerful "Hello Peter!" from Dum-E who waves at me, a "Good morning!" from Butterfingers who waves his fire extinguisher in the air, and a "Hi PETE!" from U who points the camera at me

"Whatcha doing?"  I asked 

"Butterfingers was trying to get food from the kitchen but brought his fire extinguisher and sprayed it on us!" Dum-E said 

"Yeah! He got it all over the lab! I may have a video of it!" U squealed 

"Oh my god, that's terrible!" I exclaimed 

"I know right!??!?" Dum-E yelled, glaring playfully at Butterfingers 

"It may have gotten all over the lab, like everywhere." Butterfingers said, quietly but with a smile on his face.  

I burst out laughing "Wait till I tell Dad about that! You're gonna be in so much trouble!" I tell him, half joking and half serious.

"I'm not gonna be in trouble!" Butterfingers said 

"Uh, yeah you are!" I exclaimed, laughing 

"Of course you are!" U agreed with me

"Can you guys take the blame with me?" Butterfingers asked, giving us puppy eyes  

"Nope, sorry bro." Dum-E said 

"No way! I'm not taking the blame!" I cried out 

"Please, brothers?" Butterfingers asked us

"Fiiiiiiine! You owe me though!" I reply, smiling 

"Thank you, thank you!" He squeals 

"WHAT DO I OWE YOU??!??" Uncle Clint shrieked 

"What'd you say Uncle Clint?" I asked him

"What?" Uncle Clint wondered, confused. He walked out of the room, muttering stuff like "Crazy teenagers" 

Dad walked in the room, wearing jeans and a grease stayed shirt, saying "What'd you need me for Grandpa?" 


Translation - There are bots in our kitchen and Peter's talking to them! They're talking to Peter and he's understanding them! Am I going crazy?!? Why are robots in our house?!?" 

"Dum-E! U! Butterfingers! What are you doing here?!" Dad says 

"Butterfingers sprayed us with fire extinguisher foam and got it all over the lab!" U tattled 

"It was an accident! I was trying to get food for Dad!" Butterfingers protested 

"U has it all on video!!" I add 

"They were trying to get Peter to take the blame" Dum-E exclaims 

Dad comes over and starts wiping Dum-E and U's faces with a cloth. "Let me get this straight, Butterfingers was trying to get food for me because I was in the lab but brought his fire extinguisher, U videoed it, Dum-e watched and Peter was going to take the blame?" Dad asked 

"Yeah......" U, Butterfingers, Dum-E and I said in unison 

"Okay, no camera for a week U, instead of videoing it, as much I would love to see it, you have to say something or tell someone. No fire extinguisher for a week Butterfingers, I already told you, that's only for the lab! Dum-E you're grounded for a week you should have said something. Peter no SpiderMan for today, as nice as it was for you to take the blame, you were going to hide something from me and that's not cool." Dad says making me and my 'brothers' groan 

"Deal?" Dad says 

"Deal." The four of us grumble 

"Good." Dad replies, he walks over to the kitchen and I hear Auntie Tasha and Uncle Steve say "You are SUCH a Dad." 

"Shut up Romanoff. Shut it oldie." Dad replies 

I hear him mutter under his breath: "I love my children." 

Love you too, Dad. 

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