What the heck just happened?

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Peter's POV
I was currently in gym class and our teacher, Mrs.Dodds told us that we'd have to do an obstacle course.

"Alright class, here what you have to do. Three laps, sprinting around the gym. Then in and outs with the tires, and after that, climb the rope. Then 20 push ups, 30 sit ups and 10 chin ups." Mrs.Dodds says.

"If I don't see you trying your best, you will have to do the whole thing, over again. We will be doing it in first names alphabetical order." She continued, grabbing her clipboard.

"Abe Anderson!" She called out, Abe groaned and his friends pushed him forward laughing.

The average time for the obstacle challenge is 5 minutes and Abe got it done in 4. He's captain of the football team and he's on the swimming along with decathlon.

I watch as everyone goes ahead and does the obstacle course, some do it under five minutes, some over five minutes.

"Edward Leeds!" Mrs.Dodds calls and Ned pales

"You got this Ned" I say, shooting him a smile.

"Easy for you to say, you're freaking Spider-Man." Ned says as he nervously goes to the start of the obstacle course.

Mrs.Dodds blows the whistle and Ned rushes forward. By the end of it his face is red and he's damp with sweat but looks proud that he did it.

He took 8 minutes but that's really good, the obstacle course is hard.

I high-fived him as I said "Nice job dude."

"Look at that fatso, what a waste of space." Eugene said

"You know Eugene, talking to yourself like that isn't healthy. Stop, get some help." I say, glaring at him.

"You're dead Parker." He replies as I roll my eyes.

"Eugene Thompson!" Mrs.Dodds yells, Flash shoots me a glare and goes up to the start of the course.

Mrs.Dodds blows the whistle and he starts. He's pretty fast but not anything amazing. He finishes with the fastest time yet, two seconds faster than Abe, 4 minutes and 29 seconds.

"Beat that P****. Oh wait you can't, your just a weak orphan." Flash sneers at me

I resist the urge to roll my eyes, Dad, Tony Stark, told me to tell a cover story because we didn't want anyone to now I was his son.

We went with my parents died and I lived with my Aunt Bobbi and my Uncle Lance, who were actually just the SHIELD agents Bobbi Morse and Lance Hunter.

Not to mention, I'm SpiderMan and I don't want that attention.

I wait until my turn for the obstacle course.

"Peter Parker!" Mrs.Dodds calls and I decide to wow my class.

I sprint around the gym three times and finish running within a minute. I jump in and out of the tires as fast as I can, finishing that within 30 seconds. I drop and do the push ups in 10 seconds, not taking any breaks.  I do the 30 sit-ups easily, barely breaking a sweat.

I stand up and go to the bar where we have to do the chin ups.

I start going as fast as I can, reaching 10 in five seconds. I drop down and flash a smile at Mrs.Dodds.

I jump up at the chin up bar again and start going again. I reach another 50 in ten seconds and 100 in 20 seconds.

I keep going until I reach 287 chin ups in 10 seconds. I drop down and use my shirt to wipe some sweat from my forehead and hear a squeal.

"HE'S GOT ABS!!!!" I hear a girl shriek.

"What the heck just happened?" I hear Flash whisper


"What was my time, Mrs.Dodds?" I ask politely

She shakes her head and her eyes are as wide as saucers, full of shock and surprise.

"Mrs.Dodds?" I repeat

"2 minutes 3 seconds......" she says trailing off in disbelief.



Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updates! School has been keeping me busy.

Hoped you liked the chapter!!

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