Harley Visits!

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Peter goes on a field trip to his house but someone special shows up!

Peter's POV
I, Peter Stark (Parker to the public) woke up today and realized we had a field trip to here, my house, The Avengers Stark Tower. This is basically what my day is going to look like: I wake up to...

Leave my house
Go to school
Come back to my house
Go back to school
Come back to my house!

When I got down stairs I see my Dad (Tony Stark) and my Mom (Pepper Potts-Stark) drinking coffee and on their phones.

My aunt and uncles are on the sofa watching some TV and my "brother and sister" Loki and Wanda come back from training.

I greet everyone and get a series of "Good Morning Pete/Petey Pie/Benjamin/P/Peter", a "Morning of Good, Man of Spiders" from Uncle Thor and a "Hello Baby Spider" from Auntie Tasha.

I walk over to the kitchen and pour myself a big bowl of cereal cause of my enhanced metabolism.

I, then say to my parents "Mom, Dad do I have to go to school today?! We are going to be coming here for a field trip!", I give them my puppy eyes

they say "Yes, Bambi, and who knows it might be interesting!" without looking at my eyes so it can't affect them.

I sigh and head to the elevator where Happy is waiting to drop me off at school.

Time Skiiiiip

When we get to school my teacher takes attendance and then we are on a bus back to my house! 

We get there and Katherine the receptionist gives everyone a pass. Flash pushes past me and shoved me into a wall.

I hear the elevator ding and I look to see who it is. When I look I am filled with pure joy!

My big brother Harley walks out. Harley goes to MIT and is four years older then me making him 20. I forget my class is there and I pushed past everyone and crash into him hugging tightly. He hugs me just as tightly.

"What are you doing here?!?! I missed you so much H!!" I exclaim, joy filling my voice

"I missed you too! I have a week off so I thought I'd spend it here! I told Dad and Mom and they said I should surprise you! Surprise!" he replies his voice filled with happiness as well.

Little did I know Harley saw what Flash did. My teacher then ruins the moment by saying "MR.PARKER! Come back here now and show some respect to Harley Stark!"

I give her a confused and kinda annoyed look-he's my brother! I walk back to my best friend and my girlfriend and Harley says something to my teacher.

"Dude! Isn't that your brother, Peter?", MJ, my girlfriend asks, I nod. Harley stays with me, walking right beside me.

Another time skip

It's lunch and I really had to go to the washroom so I separate myself from my class and go to bathroom.

When I'm drying my hands my spidey sense alerts me and I turn around and I get nailed in the nose and then the eye. I know that Flash followed me. "Finally! I finally get to beat up Puny Parker! I haven't had the chance all day because if that guy whose with you. Who is he, your bodyguard?" Flash says in a mocking voice

"Actually, I'm his older brother." says a voice behind us and I see Harls.

By the time I blink I see Flash pinned against the wall by Harley

"And I hate when people pick on my younger brother!" he says with a face full of hate. He is looking Flash straight in the eyes when he says "FRIDAY get Dad", he says it so commanding and a voice so full of hate and fury that for second I heard Dad when he gets mad.

"Oh who's your dad?? Tony Stark?" Flash says his voice full of mockery and doubt but little does he know he's literally digging his own grave.

"Why yes I am. I am Tony Stark and I am Peter's father, so yes. And let me get this straight real quick. You come into my house, my building, bully and punch my kid,and then mock him???" Dad asks, his voice full of hatred and anger written across his face.

Flash looks like he is about to cry, "Please don't kill me! I'm to young to die! I'll leave Puny idiot Parker alone!" He cries out

"You WILL leave him alone, you will leave Peter Benjamin Stark alone. His name is Peter, P-E-T-E-R!" Dad tells

"If I hear you call him that, you look at him or treat him badly I will not hesitant killing you with my bear hands!!" Harley adds. 

Flash nods and runs out of the washroom in fright.

"FRIDAY tell Katherine that something has come up and the tour will be ending now." Dad says.

"You got it boss" she replies.

"Are you okay Petey?" Dad and Harl ask

I nod and I set my nose with a gasp of pain, ignoring the protests and the winced. I have never felt more loved.

"I love you guys!"

And that was that.

Hope you liked this chapter cause I had SOOOOOO much fun writing it!

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