Panic Attack (Vulture) Pt.2

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Peter's POV
When I got home that day, my parents had worried looks on their face. "What's wrong guys?" I asked,

"Um, sweetheart, someone videoed your panic attack and now everyone knows we have a son" Mom says,

"So we are trying to figure out what to tell them and how to say it." Dad adds.

I. AM. SHOCKED. How did it get out.? Who videoed it?? "Dad,Mom What are we going to tell the press and how?" I ask,

"We we're thinking a press conference tomorrow. What do you think?" Dad answers,

"I think that's o..kay? I actually think that's a good idea." I say, surprised with myself,

"You do?!" Mom asks surprised,

"I do. I think it's time for the world to know you are my parents. Even if I am adopted, you are still my parents! And I love you!" I say.

We pull into a hug and just stay like that for a couple moments and I am so grateful they adopted me.

When we pull away Dad says "FRI can you give the news a message saying that Pep and I will hold a conference to clear up about Pete please?",

"Of course Mr.Stark" she replies.

Then the rest of my family comes in, from the mission they were on. Seeing the looks on our faces they ask what happened.

We fill them in and they are surprised how the footage got out. "We will be there at the conference! Peter is our family too and we are going to stand with him!!" Uncle Thor says,

"Of course! He is my little spider!", Aunt Nat says and everyone agrees.

Luckily tomorrow is a Saturday so I have no school. The rest of the day goes on normally; homework, dinner, movie and then off to bed. I'm kinda excited for tomorrow, I'm not sure why though.

Time Skiiiip

Peter's POV
I wake up at 9:30am, the conference is at 1:00pm and I wanted to work on my suit a little bit first.

I wake up and brush my teeth and so my normal morning routine. I get downstairs and realize everybody is up already! I thought I was the first one up!

"What are you guys doing up so early on a Saturday??! I ask curiously,

"We had to make a speech for the conference. We have to make it so no one finds out or thinks you are Spider-Man." Dad answers,

I nod and have my breakfast. Since we had four hours until the conference we watched Hamilton. Hamilton is my favourite musical ever!!! I really love my family.

Tiiiiiimme Skippp

Peter's POV
When it's almost time for the press conference, everyone starts getting ready. Dad, me, my uncles and Loki all put on formal attire. I look at myself in the mirror (A/N imagine Tom Holland at the Avengers Infinity War premiere.) and I thought I looked pretty good.

I head downstairs and see my family and they look amazing! We head down to the press conference level and when the elevator doors open we are SURROUNDED by paparazzi!

Since my whole family has done this before, they know what to do. They push past and when we get to the podium (?) Dad clears his throat and everybody quiets down.

"I take many of you saw the video of my son during his panic attack."- when he said son there was murmurs going around the room along with things like, "son?", "the rumours are true!" And things like that-"Yes son!" Dad says,

"About two years ago Tony and I adopted our son! Peter Benjamin Stark! We love him to pieces!" Mom adds,

a woman reporter with blond hair and green eyes asks "Adopted? He's not yours?!", at the comments I feel my eyes fill with tears.

I may not be their biological son and they may not be my biological parents but we are still a family!

Dad and Mom are thinking just that because they say "He many no be our son biologically but we are his parents and he his our son and we love him!",

the rest of my family adds, "And he his our nephew" and "And our brother!".

My family ends of with "Anyone who thinks otherwise can speak to us!".

A man reporter with black hair says "Peter, how does it feel to be the family of the most popular people on Earth!?"

"Honestly I don't think of them like that." I say,

I hear gasps and mutters of "What?!?" and stuff like that,

"They may be CEOs, Superheroes, Billionaires and all that jazz but I don't see them that way. I see them as my parents, my uncles, my aunts and my siblings." I clarify.

I see a bunch of shocked faces and I look back at my family to see if I said something wrong but they look proud of me.

That filled me with joy.

With that Dad gave them his TV smile and said "Thanks for coming!".

We left and then headed back up to top level. I love my family and they love me!

That's the end of the chapter! I'm so sorry I didn't update sooner! I was super busy with school.

If you have any ideas for Oneshots, please comment them and I will write them as soon as possible

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