Field Trip Pt.5

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Peter's POV

It's after lunch and we are headed to the lobby on the second floor. We walk into a conference room and it's set up with chairs and an open space where my family is gonna speak. 

Five minutes later my family including Mom comes into the room. Dad starts off with "Hello everybody"-he gives them his TV smile-"I'd introduce my self but I take you already know who I am." 

Then one by one family introduced them selves with their real names and then their superhero names. Then Uncle Steve says "Any questions?", every hand went up (even MJ's) except mine. 

Twenty minutes later Flash is picked and he gives my an evil glare then asks "How old do you have to be to get an internship here?"

Dad and Mom glance at me then say "You have to be in collage or older.". "YOU LYING DOG PUNY PARKER! I KNEW YOU WERE LYING! WHY WOULD THEY TAKE YOU WHEN THE COULD HAVE ME ANYWAYS!? YOU LYING SON OF A DOG!" Flash screams

I look at my family and see, Uncle Bruce turning a little green, Wanda and Loki have magic dripping from their hands, Uncle Clint and Aunt Tasha are twirling their knives and bow/arrow, Uncle Steve has his shield, Uncle Buck is flexing is metal arm, Thor is wielding Mjölnjr electricity surrounding him, Mom and Dad summoned their suits and look ready to kill Flash.

I'm almost certain he's gonna die. Flash is still looking at me with evil eyes and a smirk on his face, not realising that my family is about to kill him. 

 I rush over to my family and my spidey senses tell me to move around Flash's leg as he tries to trip me. Wanda and Loki see this but I shake my head to say don't say anything. 

"Guys it's okay. I'm fine.", I say trying to calm them down. 

"No it's not Petey Pie! He nailed you in the face and in the stomach yesterday after he shoved you in your locker! We both know some of your bruises weren't from patrol!" Mom says, the rest of my family have surprised looks on their faces and then it turns to anger. 

"You can't kill him though!" I cry out

I'm fully aware that my class is watching the whole conversation but I don't care, I have to make sure Flash doesn't die. Luckily they can't hear though. 

"He's hurting you though Pete! And she just insulted your Mother and I as well! How long has this been going on?!?!" Dad says, and I realize he did; he said "YOU LYING SON OF A DOG!", that's basically calling Mom and Dad dogs, now there's almost no stopping my family.

"Acoupleofyears. Believe me I'm fine though!" I answer

"A COUPLE OF YEARS!?!?" screams my family in unison and I know most definitely my class heard that. 

"Please don't kill him!" I say

"We're not going to kill him, we are going to threaten him!" Auntie Nat says and everyone nods in agreement. 

I sigh in defeat as my family, my whole entire family goes over to Flash who looked like he went to the bathroom in his pants. 

Dad grabs him by the collar and lifts him up while Mom speaks "If you ever and I mean ever come near our son ever again, Tony and I will hurt you maybe even kill you! Got it?", she says menacingly and the rest of my family nods in agreement. 

"Y-y-yo-ur s-s-son??" Flash manages to squeak out, "YES!" Mom and Dad say in unison

 "AND OUR NEPHEW!" says my family

 "And our brother!" says Loki and Wanda. 

"You are SO lucky Peter doesn't want us to do anything or else I would sue you!" Mom says and with that Dad puts Flash down. 

"Now... GET. OUT. OF. MY. BUILDING!!!" Dad says to him 

Dadhe turns to the rest of my class and says "Everyone else can stay for the rest of the tour. I won't punish you for his behaviour." Flash never bothered me again after that.

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