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Third Person POV

I nervously played with my hair has I stood in the elevator going up to the penthouse in Stark Tower. My second guardian Tony Stark, or Dad', called me here but didn't tell me why. 

So basically, I am super worried and scared. What if Dad is taking away my suit again? What if he doesn't want to be my guardian anymore? What if he's dying and he's telling me? 

The 'What Ifs' continued as the elevator opened to show me the Avengers, Mom and Aunt May there smiling?


I walked forward, stubbing my toe and jumping on my other leg saying "Ow, fudgesticks, that hurt. Shiitake mushrooms, ouch." I put pressure on it and then continued walking. 

"Hey Bambino! Come here for a second?" Dad asked, from the kitchen.

"H-hey Dad, what's all this? Are you okay? Is Mom okay? Is Aunt May okay? Is everyone okay? Am I in trouble? Are you mad at me?" I rambled causing Dad to chuckle for some reason as I wlaked over to them.

"Wow Pep, wow May, you guys really know Peter." Dad said

"Of course, I know my son," Mom replied while Aunt May said "Of course Stark, he's my nephew!" 

"Dad?" I squeaked out 

"Yes, we're all okay and no, I'm not mad at you. And no, you're not in trouble." Dad replied 

"W-what's going on?" I asked 

"Baby Spider, we want to ask you something," Auntie Tasha said to me

"W-what? Are you kicking me out? Are you getting rid of my room here?" I asked

"No, kid." Uncle Steve said

"Little Spider, we're not kicking you out." Uncle Bucky added 

"Oh, what's happening then?" I asked, confused. 

"Bambino, Underoos, Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark, Spider-Man, would you like to become an Avenger?" Dad asked me

"W-what?" I stated 

"Would you like to become an Avenger Petey?" Aunt May repeated 

I said nothing, all my dreams were coming true. Oh my gods, I could become an Avenger! This wasn't a trick right?

"Peter?" Uncle Thor asked, snapping me out of my thought. 

"This isn't a trick? Or test? Or anything like that?" I asked 

"Nope, this is one hundred precent authentic!" Dad told me

"But, what about Aunt May? Where will she live? Where will I live?" I wondered 

"Well, you already have a room in the tower so you'll be moving here and May will be moving here too and working in the Med-Bay." Dad explained 

"You're okay with this Aunt May?" I asked 

"Yep, I've already agreed Petey-Pie. This is your dream,  I wouldn't stand in the way of that," Aunt May said, smiling at me.

"So, what do you say?" Wanda asked

"Sì! Sì! Sì! Mi piacerebbe diventare un Avenger! (Yes! Yes! Yes! I would love to become an Avenger!)" I shouted happily in Italian making Aunt Natasha, Mom, Aunt May and Dad laugh and leaving everyone else confused.

"English?" Uncle Sam and Uncle Steve asked 

"YES! YES! YES!" I said, jumping up and down.

"Great! Welcome to the team Underoos!" Dad said, hugging me. Soon everyone joined in so we were in a hue group huge. 

"Welcome to the team!" 


Oh my gods, that's the end of this book. The last oneshot........ I'm freaking out. 

- Riya

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