Plot Generator

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Hey guys! I thought I would try a plot generator so this story is probably gonna be weird, lol. I didn't change anything, it's straight from the plot generator. For anyone wondering I used this link: 

Hope you enjoy! 

Peter Parker looked at the minuscule piano in his hands and felt unstable.

He walked over to the window and reflected on his picturesque surroundings. He had always loved snooty London with its freshly-squeezed, flabby fields. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel unstable.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of MJ . MJ was a kind patient with pretty hair and charming eyelashes.

Peter gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a sympathetic, courageous, coffee drinker with brunette hair and fragile eyelashes. His friends saw him as a dripping, delightful doctor. Once, he had even saved a striped injured bird that was stuck in a drain.

But not even a sympathetic person who had once saved a striped injured bird that was stuck in a drain, was prepared for what MJ had in store today.

The drizzle rained like hopping pigeons, making Peter sneezy.

As Peter stepped outside and MJ came closer, he could see the steady glint in her eye.

"I am here because I want wifi code," MJ bellowed, in a predatory tone. She slammed her fist against Peter's chest, with the force of 9914 giraffes. "I frigging love you, Peter Parker."

Peter looked back, even more sneezy and still fingering the minuscule piano. "MJ, I'm in love with you," he replied.

They looked at each other with stable feelings, like two cautious, careful cats rampaging at a very admirable Halloween party, which had classical music playing in the background and two thoughtless uncles boating to the beat.

Peter regarded MJ's pretty hair and charming eyelashes. He held out his hand. "Let's not fight," he whispered, gently.

"Hmph," pondered MJ.

"Please?" begged Peter with puppy dog eyes.

MJ looked puzzled, her body blushing like a nasty, narrow newspaper.

Then MJ came inside for a nice cup of coffee.



Hope you enjoyed that, lol. 


Ummmmmm, WHAT THE HECK??!!!?? 20

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Ummmmmm, WHAT THE HECK??!!!?? 20.4K READS!??!?? 604 VOTES!??!?? OH MY GODS! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 

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