Penny, Tom and Tina

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Genderbend Peter, Soft!Bucky and (blegh) Skip Wescott. Inspired by a Marvel oneshot written by @hhoneydewdrops 

TW - Mentions of Sx*al Harassment, P*dophiles and R*pe 

Third Person POV

Bucky was walking around the streets of New York, trying to clear his head. The Avengers were trying hunt him down, Steve had tried to do everything he could be there was no way he could stop them. 

Technically, Bucky was a criminal. 

I mean, it wasn't his fault though, Hydra had taken over his mind and turned him into, that monster. 

Thank the gods, Bucky was free now. The trigger words had no effect over him anymore and he remembered his life, everything; unfortunately that still included the missions - the kills - which was sucky, but hey! At least he could remember his life, right?

So this brought Bucky to wandering the streets of New York, a jacket covering his metal arm as he thought about what to do next. He obviously couldn't go back to the Tower or the new Avengers Facility as they would lock him up so he got getting a small house or apartment in Queens. 

As he was walking by an ally, he heard a small whimpering sound. It sounded as if someone was crying. Who the hell was crying in the middle of the night? Bucky thought as he decided to check it out. 

Bucky walked into the alley to see a little girl, carrying to babies.

"Hello, are you alright?" he asked softly, trying not to scare the little girl. 

"Wh-who are you?" she asked 

"I'm Bucky, what's your name?" he responded 

"Penny. Penny Parker." she answered 

"Well, Penny, do you need some help? Where's your parents?" Bucky wondered 

"My parents are dead. They died when I was a baby, I lived with my aunt and uncle but then..... then they died too," Penny trailed off. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Bucky said, unsure of how to respond to that. 

"It's okay," Penny answered 

"Um, do you mind if I ask how you got pregnant?" Bucky asked, treading lightly. 

"How do I know I can trust you!?" Penny yelled

"You don't." Bucky said bluntly, he figured he shouldn't sugar-coat the situation. If he was in her position, he would want the blunt truth. 

"W-what?" Penny cried 

"You don't know you can trust me. But you should know that I don't wanna hurt you. I wanna help you. I know what it's like to feel abandoned and I want to help. So, what happened?" Bucky asked 

"My aunt and uncle didn't have much money so when a guy named Skip Wescott offered to babysit me for free, they jumped on the offer. He started out really nice; helping me with homework, helping out around the house and then going back to wherever he was from," Penny explained 

"He was about eighteen when we met, I was eleven. About a year later, Auntie May and Uncle Ben went to Jamaica for a vacation and Skip was watching me. One night he put something in my drink and the next morning I woke up in his bed, with no clothes on. I was terrified. Twelve years old and terrified," Penny continued, crying. 

Bucky was beginning to hate this Skip guy more and more by the second. He felt as if he could go all Winter Soldier on him right now. 

"The next morning I found out that Aunt May and Uncle Ben were killed in a plane crash and I was going into the foster system. Skip offered for me to stay with him but I refused, afraid, and I was put into a foster home. About a month later I didn't get my period so I thought the worst. I cried myself to sleep that night and the next morning I bought four different pregnancy tests," 

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