Dusk Till Dawn

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"And that is everything that happened." I said finally finishing my story.
The girls and I were sitting at our usual picnic table beside the school fence over looking the crashing Pacific Ocean.
I hadn't seen any of them for the last week and a half since I had stayed in my room or 12 days after Elijah left and the only person I interacted with was my mom who thought it would be okay for me to miss a few days of school but that few days turned into 1 and a half weeks and today mom had forced me to get up and go to school.

"Chloe... we had no idea." Tessa said. They were all still shocked to hear the I was being abused for the past year.

"It's not your fault. I just didn't want to admit it and was good at hiding it."

"How did they find out?" Naya asked.

"Well No- she just saw it." I said shrugging.
I didn't want Naya to know it was her brother who found out because she would have been pissed at him for not telling her since I had told Noah to stay quiet.

"Chloe... you didn't come see us or tell us anything for 2 weeks! You could have come to us." Alex said, looking hurt.
For a second I felt anger but then realized it wasn't they're fault for being concerned for their best friend.
"Alex. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys earlier. I was just so exhausted and honestly it's easier alone."
That was honest. Life was easier alone.
"Come here." Naya motioned for me to join a group hug.

"Remember we will always listen to each other and do anything for each other. That's what we swore on when we first became friends and that rule is still alive." Naya said and I nodded.

The bell rang and it was time to go back inside for fourth period.

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I sat down in 4th period Geography, tired of the long day at school. I have a lot of school work to catch up on and tests to study for.
"Hey Chlo." Noah said as he sat down beside me in his seat.
"Hi Noah." I say.
"Why the long face?" He asks. I turn to him and he has a big goofy smile on his face. I roll my eyes and go back to scribbling in my notebook.
"You're still so sad, eh?"
"No shit."
"Why don't we do something?" He says, enthusiastically.
I raise an eyebrow intrigued.
"It'll be a surprise. Meet me at my place at 5 today." He says.
"I'll think about it." I say.

Class started and I went back into my work mode. I can't afford to fail any of my classes since I have to get good grades to get into my dream arts college in L.A. and I can't let anything distract me from my goals.

The girls and I walked home together today, just catching up on boy drama since Tessa has a new boyfriend (we all know they're dating, even though she won't admit it). She's keeping it low key though since she's not allowed to date because of her very strict, and religious parents. I have yet to meet her boyfriend again ever since the night of my party from which I can't remember his face completely.

"Guys Noah and I are going to pick you guys up tonight at 5." Naya said before entering her house.

"Wait I thought that was only Noah's idea."
"Did you really think he was that nice? C'mon. We're all going somewhere fun tonight." Naya said.
I nodded. I felt a pang in my heart that it wasn't just Noah and I but it made no sense why I would be sad since I get to go with my best friends too.

I went inside my house and found my mom sitting at the kitchen table. She had her head under her arms before she noticed me come in with my skateboard. She instantly sat up and wiped her tears away but that wasn't fast enough for me to not notice.

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