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I woke up from my long nap at 8pm, feeling re-energized.
I had gotten home at 4pm today after mom picked Kai and I up from the airport and we dropped him off at his place. I instantly fell asleep when I got home, tired of all the travelling.

I yawned and I got up to go shower. I turned the water on in my bathroom and waited outside the shower. I observed my body and felt relaxed and relieved. All the scars and wounds from 4 months ago, when I was with Elijah had gone away, my body was pretty clear now. I felt tears of happiness swell in my eyes as I remembered myself standing in this same position but crying my eyes out and biting my wrists so as to not scream due to the pain of the slaps and cuts from being abused by Eli and having violent sex with him which I hated.

I wiped my tears and smiled a bit. Everything feels better now.

I showered and changed into a comfy, purple matching set and let my hair loose.

I went downstairs to the kitchen where mom was placing dinner on the table.

"Hi mom, this looks great." I said sitting down in my spot at the small round table.

"Hello my baby. I made salmon with some roasted asparagus and garlic naan." She said, placing my dish in-front of me.

We ate in silence for a bit before I looked at her and smiled. "What is it?" She asked.

"We're doing good right? We're happy and healthy and we have food infront of us."

"Yes, yes thank you god. Oh yeah and I forgot to tell you that tomorrow I am getting the papers signed for the house so now I will own the house! We're not gonna have to rely on your dad for paying for anything and we can finally move on." She said with a big smile.

"Oh my god mom that's amazing!" I said and hugged her.

We ate the rest of our dinner while I told mom all about New York and everything we did there.

"I even got Naya a new vinyl she's been wanting, the David Bowie one, I had to wait in line for 3 hours" I said with a chuckle.

"How are things between you two?"

"Not good at all, mom. She won't talk to me and I did get the vinyl as a gift to let her know I still love her and want her as a best friend but she's been really distant lately... from Alex and Tess too. I'm trying so hard but she probably thinks I'm heartless." I said, I looked down at my feet not being able to make eye contact as I felt guilt and pain.

"Hey." Mom grabbed my hand and caressed it. "You go take that vinyl to her right now... and try to talk to her. Naya's a great girl, I know she loves you just as much as you do. You have to make the effort to not loose her because friends like her don't come by so often in life." She said and smiled at me.

"Are you sure?" I asked.
"100% now go!" Mom said.

I smiled and gave mom a hug. "Thank you for everything." I said and ran up to my room as hope filled mg heart.

I grabbed the vinyl and headed back downstairs and then out the door after yelling an "I love you" to mom.

I ran to the McLarens door ten feet away and rang their bell and waited. Then I rang the bell again and waited for another ten minutes.
Why isn't anyone opening the door?

Such a Fun AgeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant