Little Girl

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"Hey Chloe." Kai said coming into my bedroom. He sat down beside me and hugged me tightly.

"Hi bunny." I said and gave him a small kiss.

"Guess what."

"What?" I said looking up at him with one brow raised.

"We're going to New York baby!" He sang, pulling out 2 airplane tickets from his tote bag.

I gasped and stepped back.
"No way." I said.

"Yes way. We got the spot at the Radio City Music Hall." He said.

"Oh my god. Yes! Yes!" I said and jumped into his arms. I hugged him tightly and wrapped my legs around his torso.

"We're gonna make it Kai." I said in his ear.

"Yes we are. New York is like a utopia. You'll love it." He told me.

"When are we going?" I asked.

"In the morning."

"What!? I haven't even packed anything." I said and jumped off of him.

"No need to rush, you have tonight to pack. Besides were only going for 3 days." He said.

"I've never been to New York. This is a big deal. The furthest place from here I've ever been to is Seattle, Washington." I told him as I pulled my suitcases out of my closet.

I packed my small suitcase while Kai talked to me about random details about our trip like the hotel we were staying at, our performance timings and site seeing. Friday was gonna be a really busy day with rehearsals and preparations. Saturday was the big day, we were going to perform at 7pm infront of a large live audience and Sunday was our free day so we were gonna go site-seeing all day and have fun in the Big Apple.

The last 2 weeks have been pretty busy so it would be good to get a break. Alexandria and I had gone to the clinic and gotten her abortion 2 weeks ago and she's fully recovered by now so we're starting to work on the case for the police and preparing for court. It's been hard to figure all this stuff out but it's necessary. Right now Alex's Dad is on the works of finding a lawyer for them. On the other hand, Tessa and Esha have been doing fine. They haven't gone public yet except to a select few people. We hang out a lot too but they act like only friends in public which does feel sad but it's the reality of the world we live in.

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Kai and I ate dinner with mom downstairs and he left soon after.

"He's such a sweetheart. Reminds me of your father when he was younger when we first met." Mom said while we washed the dishes together.

"Kai's not like Dad. He's different. By the way I haven't heard from Dad in a while, no idea what he's up to." I said. The last time I talked to dad was a month ago and that didn't go swimmingly at the slightest.

"Daniel's getting married to his girlfriend, Natalia. I thought he told you. He's busy with all the marriage prep and stuff. He told me he wants you to be a flower girl."
I puffed. "There's no way I'm doing that. He can't just get up and get married to a girl 20 years younger than him and forget about you and I." I said.

"Dan and I's story is over. I'm fine with him doing whatever he wants now that we're... divorced." She said and gulped. I could tell she wasn't actually happy.

"I've also made some decisions myself. The salon has been doing great the last 3 months and I've earned a lot of savings so I'm gonna buy the house from your dad." She said, wiping her tears.

"That's great mom. Now we can show that disgusting prick how we really don't need him. He's gonna regret ever hurting us." I said.

"Chloe you can't always be like this. People move on. You used to be such a beautiful nice girl, what has happened to my sweet girl?"

"Well I haven't moved on mom. I can't forget the trauma you guys caused me. Your little girl is gone." I said and ran upstairs to my room.

Why doesn't she get it? He never loved her, cheated on her and abused her yet she's still acting like nothing happened? Like it was okay and normal for that to happen?

I screamed into my pillow. "I guess it wasn't as bad for her as it was for me. She doesn't understand that it affected me more than they think." I said to myself, while crying.

Oh how my mother thought she knew her little girl, she thought her little girl still dreamt of fields of flowers and the biggest ice cream scoops. She thought her little girl's smile was genuine at the dinner table with dad and that she spent her days happily with friends at school and parties at night. Oh how wrong my mother was, the little girl had lost herself a long while ago when she first got thrown into this dark world alone with problems on problems, yet the same memory of her still stick with her mother. The little girl grew up, she's 17 now and a little woman. The little girl grew up and dreamt of leaving the world at times but there was always a pocket in time where she did feel happy but that moment was always ruined by another bad one. But how could you blame the little girl? She grew up to hate herself and her body by observing the beauty standards around her, by seeing models on Instagram with beautiful bodies still editing their pictures and her being made fun of for things she could never control like the width of her ribs and the dip in her hips. She grew up staring in the mirror with blurred eyes, wishing she could go back  to her childhood, when her smile was in fact real. Oh how she wished she really was mama's little girl.

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