You Broke Me First

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I woke up today with an aching pain in my head. I was hungover, hurt and heartbroken.
I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. There was only a small nagging pain left now. My eyes were bloodshot red and my face was swollen.
Ugh I look like I got ran over or something.
I washed my face and the puffiness went away a little.
Now I have to cover my neck somehow.
I reached for my concealer and dabbed it on but it wasn't enough. I was getting late so I just decided to wear a hoodie today with my hood on and sunglasses to cover my pained eyes.
Hopefully this'll work.

I went downstairs and found my dad eating breakfast.

I really don't want to do this.

"Hey dad! Would you mind dropping me off at school today? I'm not feeling very well." I said.

His face lit up with a big smile and he quickly got up and grabbed the keys.

"C'mon get in the car, Chloe!" Dad said enthusiastically.

I got in and he backed out of the driveway. I tried my best to look out the window the whole time.

"Hey, you might wanna take your hood off. It's almost a 100 degrees today." He said and reached for my hood.

I quickly smacked his hand away and pulled it tighter over my self.

"No!" I said, defensively.

"Woah, calm down. I was just going to put your hood down. Do as you please I guess." He said and I went back to leaning my head against the car window.

Dad pulled into the school parking lot and I got out of the car.

I was about to leave without saying anything but felt bad. I turned back around and gave dad a smile.

"Thanks for the ride."

"Any day. Have fun at school."

"You bet." I said rolling my eyes behind my sunglasses.

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The bell rang and I headed to my last class of the day. So far, I had been able to pull off wearing my hoodie and sunglasses in school by telling my teachers I was feeling cold and my eyes were hurting from the light but I'm not sure if Mrs.Morris will fall for it since she is pretty strict and smart too.

I quickly started walking towards my class and was stopped by Tessa, Alexandria and Naya.

"Chloe! We were looking for you all day!" Naya said pulling me to her locker.

"I was trying to signal you in math class but you weren't even paying attention and you weren't at lunch either." Tessa said.

"Sorry, I was just focusing on the lesson and I had to stay behind with Mr. Brady for math help at lunch." That wasn't true. I had sat in a stall in the bathroom during lunch and ate my food there.

"It's alright. I was just trying to tell you that I think I may have a crush on this guy from last night. He's so hot." Tessa said, squealing.

"Oh the guy you were flirting with? Yeah he's... he's pretty cute." I said, shrugging.

"Yeah he even gave me his number. I'm gonna have to call him when I'm outside of my house though or mom and dad will find out."

"Where did you go last night?" Naya asked.

"Noting. Just um... I wasn't feeling very well." I said, lying again.

"Oh okay. See you guys later." She picked up her backpack and walked away and so did Tessa. Alex and I headed to Geography together.

Such a Fun Ageजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें