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I woke up the next day, at 6a.m. My eyes hurt from crying yesterday but I still managed to open them once again and get up for a new day. I stepped into the shower and let the cold water wake me up. I stepped out of the shower and brushed my teeth.

I put on a green crew neck and baggy denim jeans with my white air forces. I put on some golden hoops for accessories and put my hair in a bun.

I went downstairs and ate some cereal while I wrote mom a small note

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I went downstairs and ate some cereal while I wrote mom a small note.

Hey mama, I didn't wake you up cuz I knew you'd be tired from yesterday and you deserve some sleep. My flight to New York is today and I'm super excited. Don't worry I already packed a bag and got my pepper spray. Kai's mom is going to drop us off at the airport and I'll let you know when I'm there. I'm sorry for lashing out yesterday, I was just angry but not at you. I'll see you in 3 days. I love you

I heard a car roll up to the drive way and headed out. I got inside Kai's mom's car. Ms. Reigns was going to drop us off at the airport as she usually went to work at this time.

"Hey." I said and shook Ms. Reigns hand. She went over some safety procedures and gave us the number of one of her friends in New York who would be able to help us if we were in any trouble. It made sense for her to be worried since we were two 17 year olds travelling to the busiest city in the world with no adults.

We got to the airport soon and said goodbye to Kai's mom before heading to our terminals.

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We arrived to J.F.K airport at around noon Eastern standard time since there it's 3 hours ahead of the west coast. The flight was fine except for Kai getting scared and having to hold me hand during the take off and landing which was absolutely hilarious but at the same time adorable to me.

After a few minutes we got our luggage and got in a taxi. New York was truly beautiful and breathtaking. We got to our hotel and signed into our room that the managing team had booked for us. It was really big with a king sized bed, a huge bathroom which had golden faucets and a marble bath tub. One of the walls was covered in ceiling length windows which showed the beautiful city outside. We were at the 50th floor so we could see most of the city around us.

Kai and I stood beside each other, gawking at the view. People below in fashionable clothes, suits and dresses were bustling around all trying to do something somewhere but even while seeing all this craziness, I felt a sense of peace and happiness.

"It really is beautiful." I said.

"I told you so. I love New York."

I held his hand tightly while still keeping my eyes facing the world outside the window.

"We could runaway. Me and you together. Come here and live our dream lives."

"They'd find us in no time so runaway part wouldn't be so successful but I would love to live my life here with you Chloe." He said. He twirled me around and pulled me into his arms.

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