Chapter 25: Hamako Imposter

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Hamako's P.O.V

The Naruto imposter came rushing toward us, causing Sasuke and I to jump away as the Sasuke shouted, "Fire Style: Phoenix Sage Fire Jutsu!" I added to his Jutsu with my  Wind Style, which is my second charka nature, to give it more force.

However, the Naruto imposter avoided the fireballs and jumped at the two in the air.

I immediately clashed with him in the air, kicking him on his side. The Ninja jumped away from me to avoid being kicked again.

I then looked over to where Sasuke and the guy were now after seeing a massive explosion on the tree Sasuke was in.

'Where on earth is Naruto.' I thought, trying to figure out where Naruto was.

"Hand over the scroll, or you die," The guy said, holding a kunai to Sasuke's throat.

"No, you won't," I said, throwing a kunai at the guy. He dodged it and left Sasuke, who was kneeling on the floor.

Sasuke picked up the kunai and threw it upwards towards the enemy, who dodged it again.

I sat up in a tree and closely observed Sasuke's fight with the enemy. While keeping my guard up in a case his teammates show up.

Suddenly Naruto appeared with a loud entrance and threw a kunai at the enemy. Instead, Sasuke caught it and used it to stab the guy. He also started yelling at Sakura, who wasn't doing anything.

The guy ran away, and I jumped down from the tree I was sitting in, landing next to Sakura and Sasuke.


"That proves that we can't just trust appearances. We have come up with a way of knowing that we are who we say we are," Sasuke said, looking deep in thought.

"So, what do we do?" Sakura asked.

"We need a password," Sasuke replied.

"What kind of password were you thinking?" I asked.

"A secret one. Something this known only by the three of us," Sasuke explained. "And don't trust anyone who doesn't know it. Assume that they are the enemy."

I, Naruto, and Sakura nodded.

"Okay," Sasuke began. "Listen closely cause I'm going to say this once. The question will be, " when does a ninja strike?" The response is, "a ninja waits until the time is right when the enemy sleeps and drops his guard when his weapons lay forgotten in the stillness of the night. That is the moment for a ninja to strike." Got it?"

I raised an eye, brow not expecting the password to be so incredibly long. I was expecting more of just a word, but then I noticed someone was nearby.

'Of course, he can't longer just if someone was nearby listening.'

"I got it," Sakura said.

"I got it also," I said.

"Um," Naruto's voice gathered their attention. He looked as though he was struggling a lot. "You got one any shorter?"

I rolled my eyes while Sakura and Sasuke looked very annoying, but not surprised at Naruto's response. 

"No, Naruto, that's it," Sasuke told him flatly.

"Ugh, come on. What's wrong? Didn't you get it?" Sakura said smugly. "I memorized it easily."

I was just at Sakura, not saying, knowing she was just trying to look good in front of Sasuke, which was annoying because he isn't even that cool.

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