Chapter 19: Rock Lee vs. Sasuke

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Hamko, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura continued on their trip to the third floor of the academy. Sadly, their journey was disrupted when an unknown voice spoke out to them.

"Hey, you, with the attitude!"

The four genins didn't pay attention to the voice as they continued to walk without stopping once. They weren't even sure if the voice was calling out to them, after all.

"Hold on!" the voice called out again, and this time team seven stopped in their tracks.

"Huh?" the four of them turned to see that the voice belonged to Rock Lee, the boy who sought after Sakura's heart. Hamako raised an eyebrow wondering why he'd decided to follow them after Sakura had rejected his confession.

"What do you want?" Sasuke asked, his tone of voice rude and impatient. Yet he voiced what the entire team was thinking.

"I want to fight. Right here, and right now." Rock Lee informed them. Hamako couldn't help but roll her eyes at how her team kept fighting.

"You want to fight me right now, huh?"


"My name is Rock Lee. You said it was common curtsy for a challenger to give his name first, right? Sasuke Uchiha." 

"Hn, so you know me?"

Rock Lee got into a combative stance as he stared at Sasuke. 

"I challenge you. Everyone is always talking about the Uchiha clan and how great they are; I want to see if it's true. I figured you'd be a good test for me, and also," Rock Lee's eyes drifted away from Sasuke and found Sakura. The girl shivered at the sight of his large, round eyes looking in her direction. 

A blush fell upon the boy's cheeks when he realized that Sakura had caught him staring.

"Oh, Sakura, I love you!" 

"AHH!" Sakura screamed; she felt squeamish just being around him. "Those eyebrows can't be real! NO! Your hairstyle is horrible too, and those eyebrows are so bushy. You're such a weirdo!"

"No need to be so rude," Hamako muttered.

'Does this team not know manners?' Hamako thought.

"You're an angel sent from heaven!" Rock Lee announced as he blew a kiss towards Sakura.  Sakura quickly dodged the flying heart, and it landed against the wall. 

"That was a good move, but let us see you dodge this." Rock Lee said before sending a swarm of hearts towards Sakura.

"Okay, this just became odd," Hamako said, watching Sakura dodge the hearts.

"Hey! Keep your creepy valentines to yourself! I was dodging for my life there!" Sakura snarled as she shook her fist at Rock Lee, who slouched sadly.

"You do not have to be so negative, Sakura," he mumbled sadly.

Hamako turned to Naruto. He had an angry expression on his face as his fist clenched. She couldn't help but think it was because Lee was flirting with Sakura. She just didn't see what he saw in Sakura. Not to be rude, are anything. She couldn't help but wish it was her.

"You've heard of the Uchiha clan, yet you're challenging me. You must be even more psycho than you look, if that's possible." Sasuke glared at him. 

"You want to know more about my clan? I'll teach you, the hard way." 

"Bring it on."

Hamako sighed as she leaned against the wall, away from the two boys. She wanted to get to the exams to get this over with and get a break from her crazy teammates.

'If I had to guess, Lee probably uses taijutsu. He doesn't seem like a ninjutsu type.' Hamako thought.

"Hold it!" Naruto's loud voice disrupted the tension that had formed in the room. Team seven all looked at their shortest teammate, who was glaring at Rock Lee, visibly angered.

"I get him first. This weirdo is mine," he declared, much to the surprise of his teammates. But they soon recovered from it and smiled. 

"Go for it," Sasuke told him while placing his hands in his pockets. He wouldn't have to waste his time if Naruto could beat Rock Lee.

"Naruto . . ." Sakura was skeptical about the boy's skills but would rather have him fight at that moment than Sasuke. 

"You better be careful, loudmouth," Hamako said, he might be annoying, but even so, she didn't want him to get hurt. Naruto turned to the girl with a confident grin on his face. 

"Careful? It will take me two minutes to have this guy begging for mercy." Naruto exclaimed. Maybe he was a bit overconfident? 

"No, thank you." Rock Lee said bluntly, "Right now, the only one I want to fight is Uchiha." 

"Yeah? Well, I have news for you. Sasuke can't compare to me, dattebayo!" Naruto charged toward Lee, who remained calm as the blonde advanced.


Hamako's P.O.V

The fight didn't last long. Rock lee dodged every attack Naruto tried to give him, then he sent the boy flying. I was shocked, along with my teammates Sakura and Sasuke.

'He fast. I expected him to be good at taijutsu but not that fast.'

I stared at Lee in amazement. His taijutsu was on a different level than anyone on their team. My taijutsu is not bad, but it is not as great as his.

"Just accept it. You have no chance against me. Your skills are inferior, you see Sasuke, out of all the top Leaf genin, I am the best, fight me, and I will prove it to you." 


Sasuke had a visible smirk on his face; he was itching for a fight now that he knew Lee was a worthy opponent.

"This should be fun. Let's go it." 

Sakura spoke up when she noticed the time, "There's no time, Sasuke. We've got to register at 3:00. That's less than half an hour." she informed him. 

"Don't worry. It'll be over in five minutes." Sasuke affirmed. I fought back an eye roll after hearing his words; Naruto had said something quite similar before him. 

Sasuke dashed at Lee, who held the same stance he did with Naruto. My eyes narrowed, was Lee going to use the same move he had done on Naruto? No,  Sasuke went to swing, and I was once again shocked. Lee was gone. I then turned to see the boy behind Sasuke.

"Leaf Hurricane!"

Sasuke was able to dodge the attack, but that didn't deter Lee away from continuously attacking Sasuke with incredible speed. Sasuke could barely keep up, to the point where his only option was to block. 

At this point, I was starting to get bored that I wasn't paying attention to the rest of the fight. Until I saw Sasuke hit the ground. And the boy named Lee was talking to a turtle.


Hey lovely readers!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Don't hesitate to let me know what you think of this story.

A/N: I didn't do the scene with Guy-sensei because that scene just creeps me out.

Also, don't forget to vote and comment.

Q: What was your favorite part of this chapter?

Q: Who do you think Hamako should date first? (She will date both at some point, but at some point in Shippuden, the final pairing will be decided. Also, both will have a chance to ask her out on a date before deciding what guy she wants to try a relationship with first.)

Q: How do you think Hamako will do during the first exam?

Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 1247

Edited 5/11/22

Book 1: Child of the Shore (Naruto X Oc X Kabuto Love Triangle)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant