Chapter 7: The Bell Test

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Third-person P.O.V

The next day Hamako woke up right before her alarm. She took one of the food pills given to her by one of her old sensei before heading out to meet at the training field even though Kakashi would be late like usual.

She was the first one there and decided to sit up in a tree. Sasuke was the next one to arrive, he looked at Hamako, and they both greeted each other like usual by nodding. Sauske then sat down at the base f the tree, lost in his thoughts.

Sakura and Naruto arrived at the same time, looking exhausted. They were clearly not morning people. They all sat around the tree, getting frustrated at Kakashi's tardiness. Hamako sighed, knowing that this would be a regular thing.


Finally, after many hours Kakashi finally arrived.

"Morning, everyone," Kakashi greeted. "Ready for your first day?"

"Hey! You're late!" Sakura and Naruto both yelled.

Hamako sighed as she saw Kakashi thinking of an excuse.

"Well, a black at crossed my path, so I had to take a long way," He said smiling. Naruto and Sakura both growled.

"Whatever," Hamako said.

"Well..." Kakashi clears his throat. "Let's get started."

They all stared at Kakashi in confusion as he walked over to a timer. Hamako then noticed the logs.

'What exactly is the test?' Hamako thought.

"Here we go. It's set for noon," Kakashi said, setting the timer.

"Huh?" Naruto and Sakura asked at the same time.

"Your assignment is straightforward," Kakashi said, holding up three bells. "You just have to take these bells from me. That's all there is to it. If you can't get them by noon, you go without lunch."

'So that why he told us not to eat. Thanks to my food pills, I'm not hungry.' Hamako thought.

Naruto then started screaming, making Hamako groan at his behavior. Kakashi then started talking again.

"You'll be tied to those posts, and you'll watch while I eat my lunch in front of you," he finished pointing towards the logs.

Hamako looked at her teammates and saw their faces. She shook her head at the fact they don't know how to prepare for times like this when you're in a fight but can't eat anything.

"Wait a minute, and there's four of us. Why are there three bells?" Sakura asked.

"Oh, that way, at least one of you gets sent back to the Academy. But all four of you could flunk out too. You can use weapons, including shuriken. If you're not prepared to kill me, you won't get a bell."

"Those weapons are too dangerous, sensei!" Sakura said worriedly. 

"Especially since you couldn't even dodge that eraser." Naruto laughed.

Hamako sighed at how foolish Naruto was, making her wonder how he even became a shinobi.

"Class clowns are usually the weakest links. You can safely ignore them. Lowest scores. Loser," Kakashi stated.

Naruto roared in anger and charged towards Kakashi, who quickly used the body flicker technique to get behind him and disarm him." Don't be in such a hurry. I didn't even say start yet," he said calmly.

Kakashi released Naruto, who glares at him angrily.

" came at me with the full intention of killing me can I say this? I'm actually starting to like you, guy," Kakashi said casually. "Get ready. And start!"

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