Chapter 14 : Battle on the Bridge

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Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke, Tazuna, and I all head to the bridge. Select Naruto behind, deciding he could use the extra rest. The air was denser. I had a feeling it was because Zabuza sensei was most likely here.

When we reached the bridge, we saw unconscious bodies of the workers scattered around.

"Wh-what the heck happened?!" Tazuna shouted, looking at the bodies. I didn't listen to the rest of my team talk. I focused on the mist surrounding us and tried to locate Zabuza.

"They're coming!" Kakashi shouted. We all formed a circle around Tazuna.  I placed my hand on my sword just in case I needed to use it.

"This is his Hidden Mist, Justu, isn't it?" Sakura asked.

"Sorry I kept you and your brats waiting, Kakashi," Zabuza's voice breaks through the fog. "That's one's still trembling."

I looked to see Sasuke shaking. He grips onto his kunai and looks up. Multiple water clones of Zabuza appear around us, and Sasuke looks up with a smug look."I'm trembling with excitement."

Kakashi gives him the go, and Sasuke moves swiftly. He easily cuts right through every one of them. I narrow my eyes looking for the masked kid. I felt like I might know this kid.

"So, your brat has improved," Zabuza said. He walks out of the most with the fake tracker ninja in toll."You have some competition, Haku."

"Seems that way," The fake mask tracker named Haku said.

"So I was right about the fake tracker ninja," Kakashi said.

"What a phony..." Sauske added.

"Who are you?" I asked. I just couldn't help but feel like I might know this kid. He is clearly from the Land of Waves, where the Hidden Mist is located.

"Did you really just ask that?" Sauske asked.

"Yeah, there's something about him that is so familiar to me," I said, pulling my sword out.

"Haku, take down the brats," Zabuza ordered.

Since he was wearing a mask, I couldn't really tell what they were thinking, but I knew one thing they must be strong if Zabuza has confidence in them.

"Yes, Zabuza," Haku responded obediently and without question. Haku started making his way towards us, spinning.

"Hamako," Kakashi said seriously, not taking his eyes off the enemy. "He most likely coming for you first. Sasuke, please give her back up. Sakura, stay with Tazuna. Zabuza is mine," he ordered.

"He right knowing Zabuza, he would want me out of the way first. Since I know his fighting style very well.'

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Haku quickly closed the gap and held out a senbon like a kunai.

I quickly blocked it with my sword.

'He fast, but is he faster than me.'

"We only want the bridge builder," Haku said. "If you back down, I won't have to kill you."

"If you don't want to kill, then don't do it," I said, holding back the senbon needle.

Sasuke jumped over me and aimed a kick at Haku's face, forcing the masked boy to jump backward. While he moved, Haku used his left hand to make a number of signs.

'One hand. This boy definitely has talent. No wonder Zabuza is so confident in him.'

"Perfect Justu: Thousands of Needles of Death!" Haku said. Senbon formed in the air all around them, appearing to be made of ice. Sasuke and I jumped high in time to avoid the needles.

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