Chapter 5: Graduation

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Hamako's P.O.V

"To graduate, you'll have to do the clone jutsu. When you're called, come to the next room," Iruka explained.

One by one, everyone was called into the next room. Most likely, everyone was going to pass, but I wasn't too sure about Naruto. Whenever we trained outside, he would always have the lowest score out of everyone. When it was time to take the exam, I walked into the other room standing before Iruka and Mizuki.

"Make three clones," Iruka-sensei said, and that's what I did, a simple one-hand sign and made three water clones appear next to me.

"Excellent work Hamako, come pick out a headband."

I walked over to the table and looked at all the headbands. Most were blue, and some were black, along with a few reds. They had a few that completely covered the top of your head, but there were more standard ones. I picked up a traditional red headband and walked outside, tying it around my forehead.

I walked outside and saw all the graduates smiling. I then saw Naruto sitting alone on the swing.

'So he didn't pass. That's sucks for him.' I thought, looking at Naruto before continuing my walk home but stopped when I heard two females talking.

"There, do you see him?" One female said.

"It's that boy. I hear he's the only one who failed."Another female said.

"Hmph! Well, it serves him right."

"Imagine what would happen if he became a ninja. I mean, he's the boy who-" "Hey! We're not supposed to talk about that."

'What are they talking about. Never mind, it probably none of my business, ' I thought, getting back to walking home.


As I was walking home. I kept thinking about those women, wondering what they were talking about.

When I arrived at the house, I saw Kakashi reading his pervert orange book.

'That book is so stupid. Why is my guardian such a pervert?' I thought, shaking my head.

"I see you graduated," Kakashi said, looking up from his book and at me.

"Yeah, that exam was easy and so different from home," I replied.

"Easy or not good job passing. Also, yeah, the exams are different from the Hidden Mist village, but you I'm sure you will get the hang of things. It just will take you some time to fully adjust," Kakashi said.

"You're right," I said. "I just have to get used to the fact that we don't have to kill to be strong or survive."

"Anyway, how about we celebrate your graduation with your favorite food, fish."

"Sounds great. I will be upstairs until it is ready."



The next day I was walking to the Academy. When I arrived, I sat at my usual spot next to Sauske. We both nodded at each other, acknowledging each other pressure.

I then noticed Naruto was sitting next to me. I raised an eyebrow at his headband.

'How did he get a headband?' I thought, confused.

I then heard Shikamaru ask Naruto what he was doing here.

"Today's meeting is for graduates only," Shikamaru said.

"Hey, don't you see this headband? As of today, I'm a Ninja too." He shouted while grinning. "How can I put it? It really suits me."

"Naruto, do me a favor and be quiet. Your making my head pound like crazy," I said, annoyed. Naruto then got quiet, and I saw Sasuke smirking.

There was a loud noise coming from outside, and we all looked in time to see the door open, revealing Sakura and Ino. And as usual, fighting over some boy who doesn't even like them.

"Goal!" They both yelled while panting. Ino smirked and turned to Sakura

"I won again, Sakura!" Sakura looked at her and smirked, also

"What're you saying..?! The tip of my foot got in one centimeter faster!" She retorted.

I sighed when I saw Naruto looking at Sakura while blushing. 'He at it again...why can't he just get over her? She's not that special. I used to think he liked me when we first met. Why does he like me?' I thought, then widened my eyes, surprised I just thought that.

I then sighed as the other girls started fighting over him. Naruto got out of his seat and stared intently at Sasuke.

"Naruto, leave Sasuke alone!" Sakura scolded.

"Move it," Sasuke said, glaring at Naruto.

Some guy accidentally pushed Naruto forward, making him and Sasuke kiss, making everyone gasp. All the girls in the class got angry while the boys started laughing. I just lay my head on the table. I just wanted to be assigned to a team already and only deal with three annoying people instead of a whole group of them.

Iruka finally walked in and made a speech about being shinobi; then, he started announcing the teams.

"Next team seven, this team will have four members. On team seven will be Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, "Naruto jumps for joy while Sakura gets depressed, "Sasuke Uchiha," Sakura cheers while Naruto gets depressed, "and Hamako Hozuki."

I let out a sigh, not wanting to deal with an annoying fangirl.'She just better keep her annoying behavior to herself unless she wants to get killed.'

I didn't listen to the rest of the teams still not happy about being paired up with Sakura.

"That's all for the group division."

"Iruka sensei!" Naruto yelled, standing up. He then pointed at Sasuke and said, "Why does an exceptional student like me have to be in the same group as this guy?!"

"Sasuke has the best grades of the graduates, along with Hamako. It's a tie between them both. Naruto, you're at the bottom! Of course, this is how it is when trying to balance the strength within groups." Iruka said.

'Guess Sauske not as strong as he thinks,' I thought, smirking.

"Just don't get in my way, loser!" Sasuke said emotionlessly.

"Hey! What did you say?!" Naruto yelled and stood up, coming to my side to get closer to Sasuke, which caused me to bang my head on the table. 'This is going to be a pain.'

"You want to fight, loser?" Sasuke retorted, looking at him.

"Knock it off, Naruto!" Sakura said, glaring.

"In the afternoon, I'll introduce you to your jonin teachers." Iruka sensei said. "You're dismissed until then!"


Hey lovely readers!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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Q: What was your favorite part of this chapter?

Q: How do you think Hamako will react to meeting his sensei?

Q: Will Hamako survive with an annoying fangirl she wants to kill on her team?

Q: How long do you think it will take Naruto to realize he likes Hamako and not Sakura?

Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 1146

Edited 11/24/21

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