twenty three

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"Just dial the number, little wolf."

I was pacing Finn's bedroom. Or was it our bedroom? Half of my stuff is in this room and I sleep in here every night. The room is beginning to be a shared place. My hoodie is hanging off of the chair in the corner, my shoes are sitting outside of the closet, and my makeup is scattered across the bathroom counter, something that Finn hates. He told me he would build me a vanity for my makeup but he needs the materials for it first.

"And you're sure he can't track us? I'm just worried about you and your small pack. You've kept these people alive for so many years and I don't want to be the reason you guys get found or worse, killed."

Finn came over and grabbed me by the shoulders. I stopped pacing and looked at him. My shoulders relaxed a bit and some of the worry left my body. "It's a burner phone that can't be traced. I promise it's safe to call him. I love that you're worried about me, little wolf."

Finn brought his forehead closer to mine and then kissed me. I stood on my tippy toes and deepened the kiss, letting Finn run his hands down my back as I ran my hands through his hair. He pulled away, giving me one last kiss. "We need to stop if you want to call your brother."

I nodded, running a hand through my hair, and fixing my shirt. I sat down on our bed and picked up the burner phone and dialed the number that was memorized in my head. The phone rang for a couple of seconds before Jace picked up. "Hello?"

"Hi." I said quietly, scared to even be doing this.


"Yeah, it's me, Jay."

I heard some rustling in the background and a door shutting. "Sorry, I just got home from Simon's house. Are you okay?"

Finn looked at me and then left the room, giving me some privacy that I was so grateful for. "I'm more than safe. I found my mate and he's been keeping me safe. He actually saved my life. The night we left, I inhaled strong wolfsbane and he found me in the woods, took me in, and saved my life."

Jace was quiet for a few seconds, "And he's treating you right? Not holding you hostage?

"I promise that I am safe and healthy and happy. He's trying to convince me to come back and become the Alpha."

"Do it, Jamie. This is what you want, even he knows it. Come back before I turn eighteen and the pack is yours."

I was silent. I didn't know what to say. Both of them are trying to convince me to come but what Jace doesn't know, is that Finn is an Alpha and if I become Alpha, we merge our packs and become the strongest one in the world. No other pack is ruled by two Alphas. "I'm thinking about it."

"What pack is he from?"

"I can't tell you, I'm sorry."

"We used to tell each other everything."

I sighed. "Things change, Jay. How are you doing?"

"I found my mate."

I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. "What pack is she from?"

Jace was silent. "She's not from a pack. She's actually a human."

I gasped, truly expecting that Jace would find a mate who was a werewolf. Things are tricky when you mate with a human. If they have no werewolf genes, it's possible for the children to be completely human, completely wolf, or human with wolf genes to pass down. "I'm happy for you. Mom was human too when Dad met her."

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