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I sat on the bed, the phone still in my hand. It felt so good to hear Jace's voice, especially my parents. I wish I could've hears Benny's and Lily's as well but I imagine they weren't at the hospital. Jace sounded good, for someone that could have died. His question kept running through my head.

When was I coming home?

He sounded like he didn't want to be Alpha and for a second, my heart stopped beating. Was he letting me become the one thing I have always desired? If I went back to my pack and took my place as Alpha, so many thing would change. I would be the first female Alpha in our history of Alpha's. I would also have to combine my pack with Finn's, something he was adamant on doing in the first place. Is this something that I should consider?

So many thoughts and scenarios were running through my head. All of the pros and cons about my life. What would mom and dad think? How would they feel about me merging with Finn's pack? And Finn! People don't even know he's alive. What would I even tell people about being mated to the long lost pack?

My head was starting to hurt. I would also have to fully mate with Finn, something we haven't really talked about. Did I want his mark? Did I even want to be with him forever? What about Lion? I need a drink.

I grabbed Finn's hoodie and put it over my clothes, breathing in his scent. I opened my door and listened for heartbeats and foot steps. It sounded like everyone was asleep. I snuck down the stairs, careful to not make any noise. It was late and I didn't want to wake anyone that was sleeping. When I made it downstairs, I opened the fridge and took out a bottle of wine. Grabbing a wine glass, I poured some wine into it, more than I usually would.

I sat down at the table, sipping on the wine and trying to not think about everything bad happening in my life and with my family right now. After I finished my first glass, I poured two more glasses until I was feeling a little wine drunk. With my cheeks flushed and the thoughts of my family out of my head, I decided it was time for bed.

As I was walking toward the steps, I heard someone coming down. I went back into the kitchen and was surprised to see Finn.

"Why are you awake? It's late?" He asked me.

"I could ask you the same question."

He flashed me a small smile. "Couldn't sleep, you?"

"Couldn't stop thinking of my brother and my family and my pack. I can't stop thinking about me becoming Alpha and us."

Finn opened the fridge and took out a beer. "Were you drinking wine? Your cheeks are rosy."

I touched my face and nodded. "I was."

"So, have you decided about taking your place as Alpha?"

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. I want my father's opinion first. If I become Alpha, then our packs will need to merge, if we mate. I want him to meet you first."

Finn took a swig of his beer. "So, if I meet your dad and he likes me, you'll become Alpha and merge our packs?"


He laughed. "Alright, then let's do it. I already told you I'm in. If we merge our packs, we'll be the most powerful pack in the country. We can take up the hunters and have a chance at winning."

"There's one issue."

Finn chugged the rest of his beer and threw out the bottle in the recycling bin. "What?'

Finn came over and sat next to me at the kitchen table. "We have to mate, like officially. We would have to mark each other and then have a ceremony to merge our packs. My father is traditional. He won't merge the packs unless we're mated."

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