twenty six

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(I know it's technically supposed to be Jace but so much is about to happen and it needs to be from Jamie's POV, also, sorry this update took forever!)

Finn and I were currently in my room in the house. I needed some alone time to process everything that was happening and come up with a plan that ensures the safety of my mate and my packs as well. Dad was downstairs brainstorming with the warriors and Jace, coming up with a tactical plan to beat the hunters once and for all.

"Stop pacing, it's making myself and my wolf uneasy."

Finn's voice brought me away from my thoughts and I looked over at him. He was causally sitting on my bed, looking as handsome as ever, and was watching my every movement. I sighed and came over to the bed to sit next to him. He put his arm around my shoulder and brought me closer to him, rubbing small circles on my back to try and calm me down. "I'm sorry, I'm just stressing. So much has changed and happened today and my brain physically can't handle it. I jus came Alpha, our packs are under attack, I can't even spend this day alone with you because now we are being summoned and I have a bad feeling about this entire situation."

Finn turned a bit so that now he was facing me. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed my forehead. "Little wolf, everything is going to be alright. We are going to win and we are going to come out of this stronger than ever. We are a team now and we got this."

"I hope you are right, Finn, because I can't handle anything more happening today."


"Your plan might actually work."

Jace was standing with dad and Ryan, going over the plan he came up with to make this as safe as possible for Finn and I. Two Alpha's, which isn't known by anyone but our pack yet, going to a clearing together unarmed can be bad.

"And Jamie will be safe, right?" Finn asked, for the tenth time might I add.

My dad nodded. "Safest she can be. We'll have wolves stationed outside of the woods, completely out of sight so that the hunters can't spot them. However, we'll be close enough so that if you guys howl or call, we'll be seconds away in wolf form. You two will be safe, I promise you that."

I stood next to Finn, putting my hand on his arm so that he would stop biting his fingers, a nervous habit I noticed that he has. "I'll be fine...we'll be fine, Finn."

Finn turned to me and gave me a nervous smile. "Should we start getting ready?"

We said our goodbyes and went back to my room to get dressed for battle. Once we were ready, we both went back downstairs and met with the fighting wolves outside. Jace was standing in the front with Ryan and my dad. When Jace saw me, he smiled wide and waved me over.

"Hey you."


Things were awkward and I think they would be like that for a while. We needed to get back to a place where we are siblings again and not rivals, fighting for our place in this family.

"So, you two are going to go to the meeting spot and we'll be on the outskirts of the woods. You shift, we come. You yell, we come. You need anything, we come. You and Finn are our Alpha's and we are prepared to fight and die for you both. You are going to be safe and nothing bad is going to happen to you, I'll make sure of it."

I hugged Jace, trying to say everything I wanted to say in this hug without getting overemotional. "Thank you." I whispered and felt him squeeze me back in return.

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