twenty five

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Grayson quickly left the room after Finn kept growling at him. It was weird, there was a new buzz within me and I knew that it had to do with Finn and I marking each other. I never thought this would've happened and I was ready, right? Even if I wasn't ready, the time has come for the moment we both have been lowkey dreading.

"Hey, little wolf, are you alright?"

I looked at Finn as he slowly turned around so that he was facing me. I felt numb. Why would I be okay? I was just told that my pack was under attack and people died. Did Finn expect me to be okay or was he just being nice?

"I-I don't even know what to say but you have to be thinking the same thing as me."

It's time to do the thing we've been dreading the most, right? Finn's voice filled my head and although it should've calmed me, it didn't. We were about to merge our packs together and I was going to become one with mine. This isn't what I wanted but here I am, having to sacrifice this moment of freedom away with Finn, for my pack.

"We should get dressed and get to my pack if we want to make it by sundown."

Finn nodded and stood from the bed, no shame in being completely naked. I stood too, with the blanket still wrapped around my body, and went into the bathroom. I looked at my reflection and didn't even recognize myself. My neck was swollen and red from the bite I received not long ago.

I breathed out a heavy sigh and threw the blanket on the ground, washing my face and then braiding my hair down my back. I threw on a sports bra and panties that I had laying in the bathroom from when I was supposed to take a shower. I walked back out of the bathroom to see Finn completely gone. I went into the closet and picked out a t-shirt and leggings.

Before I was able to put shoes on, Finn came back in carrying a bag. He placed the bag in front of me and then sat down on the bed beside me. "What is that?"

"It's armor. I don't know what we will be walking in on but I want us to be prepared. This was never used but I think it's just the right fit for you. We need to get to your pack, make you the Alpha, and merge our packs as one. Do you have a warlock that can do that?"

I smiled softly, instantly thinking of Simon. "I might know one that can help us."

"Great, let's get dressed and head on out. Grayson is getting a car ready for us. Meet me outside and then we'll go. Everything is going to be okay, little wolf."

Finn grabbed my face and placed a soft kiss on my forehead before walking into the bathroom to get ready himself.


I was standing outside the double doors that I hadn't seen in a while. I had been in this office so many times, so why couldn't I open it and walk in?

Finn placed a hand on my lower back and whispered in my ear, "Love, you're going to need to go in sooner or later before the next attack."

I know he was joking but my hands were beginning to shake at the thought of becoming the Alpha of the pack. I took a deep breath and opened the double doors at once, my mom and dad having a look of shock on their faces. I walked into the office, standing in between Ryan and Jace's chairs, Finn strolling in behind me.

"I'm Jamie Hayes and I'm here to take my rightful place as Alpha and merge my pack with the White Knight's Pack."

It was silent, and I was afraid that I was too late and that Jace had become the Alpha. My ties with the Black Wolves Pack was lessening every day and I was hearing less and less through the bond that tied me to the pack. When you're away for so long, the ties that bind you to the pack can sever and you will become a lone wolf, not a rogue.

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