twenty seven

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It's been so long, omg. I have been so busy after graduating from undergrad. Does anyone even still read this thing??? Anyway... enjoy, if you are reading this lol.


"I would say that was a success." Lion said, sitting in my room icing a bruise on his cheek.

It's been 72 hours since I have seen Jamie.

72 hours since we destroyed the leader of the hunters.

72 hours since my pack received two alphas.

72 hours since everything changed.

"I wouldn't call the entire thing a success." I was staring out my window, that had plastic tarp hanging from it. Dad said he was going to replace my window but everything just began to fall apart before our eyes.

"Where could she be?" Lion asked. I was beginning to wander the same thing. When you're Alpha, you can just turn off your scent when you don't want to be found. Jamie did just that. I have my scouts looking for her but she's nowhere to be found. Finn hasn't spoken to anyone. No one knows how to feel about him. The pack knows that he is our Alpha, just like Jamie, and they know that they are mates, but I don't think the pack quite understands what happened 72 hours ago. How Finn was crying over the body of the hunter's daughter. It was even harder telling my family that Isabella is related to this family as well. Having a human mate is bad but having her being related to the one thing that wants to kill you? Even worse.

"Have you spoken to her yet?"

"She keeps calling and texting and my wolf wants to answer her but I can't look at her right now. Everything is too much right now, you know? I never really made an effort with Jamie and I want to start doing that. My focus is on finding her and I need to make sure she's okay and if I need to kick Finn's ass or not."

Lion chuckled but I know deep down he was hurting too. Lion fell in love with Jamie and finding out she has a mate, really destroyed him. Lion was always hoping that deep down, Jamie was truly his mate. When did everything get so bad?

"I'm going to try calling her one more time. If she doesn't answer, I guess all she needs is time. Last time we gave her time though, she disappeared for six months."

Lion excused himself from my room so that I could make this call in private. I'm not getting my hopes up but I am a little optimistic that she might pick up the phone.

On the third ring, her voice filled my ear with one sentence. "Meet me at the place."


'The place' was a spot that my mom and dad used to go to when they were younger. It's a cliff that overlooks the river and it's beautiful. Dad proposed to mom there and when we were younger, they would take us there all the time. It's a beautiful spot and I don't know why I didn't think of this place sooner.

I was in my wolf form running through the woods. The bodies from the war 72 hours ago were completely gone. We cleaned them up and burned them all and then Simon came through and evaporated the blood and smell with his magic.

When I picked up Jamie's scent, I quickly shifted and put some clothes on. I walked the remaining distance to find Jamie, blood still staining her dirty clothes and her hair was a mess. She was sitting with her legs dangling over the cliff and I came up behind her and sat directly next to her.

We sat in silence for a while, until her voice penetrated the air. "He cried over her."

Jamie's voice was raspy and she was looking down at the river below us. Her finger nails were caked with dirt and blood. "What can I say that will make you feel better? What can I say to make your heart stop hurting?"

Jamie turned to look at me and her eyes were bloodshot, from crying or staying awake too long? Jamie has insomnia and sometimes she will stay away until the morning. "He cried over her, Jace. He sat there and held her body and cried. She said I was just a warm body to fill her place, was I? Was I just another notch on his belt? He found me when he needed someone the most. I know we're mates but there are mates who don't work out. What if we are one of those pairs? Jace, he sobbed. He could never have made that kill on her if it was just the two of them. How do I compete with a dead person? I've been sitting here, watching the sun lower and the moon rise, praying to the Moon Goddess to help me. How do I compete with her?"

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't say anything that would make the tears stop streaming down her cheeks. I couldn't say anything to take the pain. So, I stayed silent and let Jamie pour her hurting heart out to me. "He had this little nickname for me. He would whisper it in my head where only the two of us could hear it. He would call me it when I was being sassy. It was something I thought was ours. She asked me if he called me that nickname. He was using a dead girls nickname on me. I thought what we had was special. We're fucking mates, Jace! He's my other half, the better half of my wolf and yet he chose a dead girl over me."

I reached over and grabbed Jamie's hand, giving her three squeezes to tell her 'I love you' and 'It'll be okay.' "Perhaps you need to talk to Finn and tell him this. What if he was mourning her because he never got the chance to last time? What if he was apologizing to her because he wanted things to be different? There are so many possibilities to go over, J," I turned my whole body to Jamie and grabbed both of her hands, "You are an Alpha! You are the first female Alpha in werewolf history. You are badass. You can stand up to him. Talk to Finn and ask him what the fuck is going on. And, if he truly is still in love with the bitch, I'll kick his sorry ass out of this pack."

I saw a hint of a smile on Jamie's face. Her and I haven't been civil to each other in years. It's amazing to feel like I have a sister again. I know I have Lily but Jamie and I are so close together in age that it almost feels like she could be my twin.

It was silent again, but not awkward silence. This was the silence you cherish with your loved ones.

"What about you?" Jamie askes me.

"What about me?"

"Where's Isabella? I still need to officially meet her. She is, after all, your mate."

I sighed, not really wanting to talk about her right now. "I have been ignoring her texts."

Jamie turned to look at me and gasped. "Why? She isn't her sister or her family. She warned you. She cares about you and our pack. She cares about the wolves."

I nodded, agreeing with her. "I know, she's warned me about so many things. Things were going great with us but I need time to figure some things out. I want to build a better relationship with you and I want to get to know Finn and Grayson. I want to be a better brother and friend and pack member. I need to do those things before I can be a good mate."

Jamie nodded in understanding. "I get that, I truly do, but life is short. Jace, you need to talk to her. She can help you be a better person, brother, and mate. She is your other half and someone that can help you through this crazy life. Don't push her away because things are tough right now. You need someone to lean on and she is the best person to do something like that."

I chuckled softly. "You know, you could take your own advice sometimes."

She mock gasped at me and laughed. "Yeah, I know. I'm just hard on myself. I've been like that since we were kids. But I'm serious Jace, go and call her right now and meet up with her. She also needs someone to lean on. She just lost her father and sister. Though they weren't good people, I bet she still loved them because they were her only family left. She needs you, Jace."

I kissed Jamie on the cheek and stood up smiling. Just as I was about to shift and run to Isabella's house and looked at Jamie, "You know, Finn might need someone to lean on too."


Well, that was a lot.

Tell me your thoughts in the comments

I didn't proof read this 

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