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Things were going back to normal, as normal as they could possibly be. I haven't heard from Jamie since she called me when I was in the hospital and to be honest, I was a little disappointed. I constantly had my cell phone on me, checking for any new text messages or if I had suddenly missed her call. Mom and Dad were concerned but mostly kept quiet about the entire situation.

"Jace?" I heard my brother, Ben, call for me.

"What's up, bud?" 

I walked to where he was standing in the living room. "There's a girl here to see you."

Ben winked at me and then left the room, grabbing something from the kitchen and heading upstairs. I opened the door and saw Isabella standing there. I quickly pulled her into the house and looked around outside to make sure no one saw her standing here. She reeked of human and I didn't need neighbors to question her being her.

I grabbed her hand and rushed her up the stairs and into my room, closing and locking the door behind us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, closing my blinds on the window.

"You're being paranoid."

I laughed, but there was no humor in it. "Paranoid? I can't have the hunter's daughter roaming around my pack. How did you even find me?"

"So much for not being a lone wolf, huh?"

She sat down on my bed, taking her jacket off and sitting cross legged. "How did you find me?"

"I texted you, Jace. I warned you and you didn't answer. I did some research and digging into you at school. I know a lot about you. Your mom was human before meeting your dad right? Then the curse was triggered when they met. I know that your sister ran away and you're to be the next Alpha. Should I keep going?"

I ran a hand over my face. "No, you shouldn't. You shouldn't even here. If my father found out, he'd kill you."

"He would kill your mate?"

"Yes! He doesn't care who you are! You bombed my house. You almost killed me! My father will kill you and everyone who is associated with you. You declared war."

Something changed. Isabella suddenly looked scared. "I didn't bomb you. My dad did."

I shook my head, pacing in my room. "You are the hunter's daughter, Bella. He will kill you."

She bit her lip, something that drove me and my wolf crazy. "Then we'll be careful."

"'We?' There's no us in this situation. You made that very clear the other day."

Isabella scooted further back onto my bed, laying her head down on one of my pillows. "Well, I can't seem to get your name out of my head. I can't stop thinking about you, which is why I texted you to stay away and be careful. You didn't listen to my texts."

"If you had said why or that it was you, I possibly would've listened."

I walked over to her and sat on the edge of my bed. "I just wanted to warn you that more is coming. My father wants revenge, even if your pack did nothing wrong. He hates all wolves and if he knew I was mated to one, he would kill me or you."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair again, something I did when frustrated. "How do I know you're not lying to me right now? You could be distracting me from something else, something bigger."

"Listen to my heartbeat."

I shut my eyes and let my wolf take over. I listened closely to her heartbeat, something that was steady and calm. Usually liars have a faster heartbeat. "This still doesn't prove anything. I'm still wary of you."

"As you should be. I just came here to warn you because I won't see you tomorrow in school."

Isabella stood from my bed. She put her shoes back on and tied her hair into a messy bun on her head. She was standing extremely close to me, something that was setting my wolf off a bit. "I have to go. I'll contact you when it's safe."

Isabella climbed out my window and safely exited my pack. Since my other room was destroyed, I was staying in a guest room that was closer to ground floor in another house.

I laid back on my bed, breathing in her scent from where she laid on my pillow. So many things were running through my head. How was I going to get through all of this?


"You really think that you can track her from just one phone call?"

Lion and I were in his packs weaponry room. Uncle Brandon's pack was big for tracking and using technology to find people. Lion was hoping to get a career in something that involved technology when we were finished school.

"There's a possibility that I can. It may take a while. I'm not trained in this. I have only taken a few classes on this equipment but I feel like I might be able to. If Jamie didn't use a burner phone or block the number, then I might be able to find her or a location nearby where she is staying."

Lion was typing away at the computer. I was sitting next to him, munching on a bag of chips. We had just gotten done school and were on phase one of our plan to bring back Jamie. If we found her location or even a location near the area she was in at the time of the phone call, then we can move onto phase two of the plan to bring her back home to us.

"Can I help?" I asked, feeling useless. I wasn't that good when it came to tracking or hacking. I was better out on the battlefield, fighting to keep us safe on the outside. Lion was better with the inside job stuff.

"Most likely not but I appreciate the thought."

It was silent. Lion was concentrating on his work while I was concentrating on feeding my starving belly. "Do you think my father hasn't tried doing this yet?"

Lion took a sip of his coffee. "I'm not sure. It might have slipped his mind. With you getting hurt and the possibility of an upcoming war with the humans, I think tracking his daughter's phone call was the least of his worries at the time."

Nodding my head in agreement, I went back to eating my chips and calming the noises my stomach was currently making. I had skipped dinner to come and do this, lying to my mom in the process. I hated lying to her because she did everything for me and my siblings. If we do find Jamie, I would tell my mom but I know she was still be disappointed that I had to hide something like this from her to begin with.

"Bro! I think I got something."

The computer in front of us began to beep and I rolled my chair closer to Lion's. I couldn't really tell what we were looking at but a bunch of letters and numbers were appearing before me. Lion took off his glasses and ran a hand over his face. "What's wrong? Did we not find anything?"

Lion looked over at me. "Oh, I found something but it doesn't really make sense."

Lion went and typed a few more things before nodding his head in confirmation of what he found. "J, she's been here this whole time, in this state I mean. This coordination tells me that's she's only twenty minutes from us."


Hi everyone. I hope you are all being safe in what is happening in our country right now. I stand with you all. 

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