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It was well past six when I finally decided to go downstairs to the kitchen. Grayson had told me that dinner was at six and that I was welcome to join everyone but I couldn't bring myself to go. I felt weird and out of place. Part of me is telling me to leave and never come back and the other half is telling me to stay.

I pushed my thoughts away, wanting to tend to the more important situation at hand: my growling stomach. Thinking about eating makes my stomach groan. I can't remember the last time I actually ate a real meal.

I crept down the stairs, making sure to be very quiet so that I wouldn't disturb anyone. I didn't really feel like talking nor did I feel like having to explain who I am and what I'm doing here. I want to keep Finn and I being mates on the downlow and I have a strange feeling that he does as well.

When I made it to the kitchen, there was only one light on, which was above the sink, and someone was standing over the sink. I paused at the last step. Should I stay? Should I go back upstairs? Should I dart out that front door right now and never look back?

"Are you just going to stand there and stare at me or are you going to come into the kitchen?"

I felt my cheeks heat up, embarrassment coursing through me. I walked into the kitchen, the stranger's back still toward me. It wasn't Finn or Grayson so it was someone I have never met before in this pack. "I'm Jamie."

The stranger turned around, gracing me with a very handsome man. He was tall, taller than Finn with brown eyes and matching hair that swooped over his forehead. He had a scar running down his face from his temple to the corner of his lip. Something in me wanted to reach out and touch his scar but I didn't because that's weird.

"Sawyer. I've heard a lot about you, Jamie."

Sawyer stepped away from the sink and went over to the fridge. He took out a container of pasta and took out two plates from the cabinet. "You like pasta?"

I nodded and sat down at the table. "Thanks, it means a lot."

Sawyer chuckled lowly. "It's just pasta."

I blushed again, feeling even more embarrassed then before. "So, how long have you been in the pack?"

"I was born here." He said, taking a plate from out of the microwave and putting it in front of me. I dug in happily, trying to eat it as ladylike as possible. "I'm Finn's Beta."

I wiped my mouth with a napkin and swallowed my food before talking. Though I was surrounded by mostly men growing up, my mom still taught me some manners at the dinner table that my brothers didn't follow at all. "That's cool, being Beta I mean."

Sawyer seemed like he didn't want to talk much so I didn't say anything else. He sat across from me at the table and dug into his two plates of pasta, silence surrounding us. It wasn't an awkward silence, which I was thankful for, but I still felt weird.

After about ten minutes, I stood and washed my plate in the sink and took a water bottle from the fridge. Just as I was about to say goodnight to Sawyer and go back upstairs, he spoke first. "Finn wants to see you."

Sawyer didn't look at me once and I nodded. "Okay, thank you. In his office?"

"No, his room. Third floor, can't miss it."

Sawyer left it at that and I awkwardly walked away and up the stairs. I passed my room and walked up the next flight of stairs. There was set of double doors at the top of the landing and I knocked, not wanting to be rude and barge into his room.

Finn came to the door shortly after. "You reek of Sawyer."

I rolled my eyes and followed Finn into his room, closing the door behind me. There was a large bed in the middle of the room, two dressers on either side and a nightstand and then two more doors, probably leading to a bathroom or closet. He also had a small door to the right of the room which looks like it led out to a deck. I walked over to that door and noticed that there were steps attached to the deck and a small inground pool and hot tub at the bottom. He had his own private everything and I was jealous. Mom and Dad would never let me build something like this.

"Are you done looking around at my room?"

I turned to Finn and saw him sitting on his bed. "Damn, you're very mean today. Did someone not get enough sleep last night?"

Finn rolled his eyes at me. "No, I slept just fine. I'm restless because my wolf is restless. You smell like Sawyer and he's not liking it. I don't care, personally, but hes driving me crazy. Could we go for a swim, perhaps?"

I bit my lip. How could I tell him I don't know how to swim? "I don't have a bathing suit."

"I can get you one from Sawyers sister. She's about your size."

If it's the same girl they got the clothes from before, then I know this bathing suit won't fit me. "I don't want to be a bother."

"Either we swim or you shower."

I huffed. "You know, you're very demanding and I'm not liking it very much."

A hint of a smile appeared on Finn's face. "Let me go get the bathing suit."

Finn left the room and I went over to the door that led to his mini private backyard. I sighed, willing my anxiety about going into the pool to go away. It's embarrassing, something only my family knows. When I was younger, I fell into the river and the current took my away and I almost drowned. After that, I told myself I'd never go into another body of water where it was possible for me to drown ever again. I've been in the occasional hot tub with some pack friends but I won't go into any oceans or pools.

"Here, put this on." Finn handed me a two-piece bathing suit that was bright pink and I frowned. This was the ugliest thing I have ever seen.

I took it from his hands and went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I stripped quickly and put the bathing suit on, thanking the Moon Goddess that the bathing suit actually fits me and covers everything. The bright pink clashed against my skin but I couldn't do anything about that. I threw my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head and walked out of the bathroom.

Finn was standing by the door, his shirt off and swim trunks on his lower half. His body was something to die before. Six pack, tan skin, and biceps that could crush my windpipes with one squeeze. "Are you coming?"

I nodded and followed Finn outside. We walked down the deck stairs and he dropped two towels on one of the chairs next to the pool. "The pool is heated so no worries about it being too cold or having to warm up to the water."

After that, Finn took a running start and jumped into the pool, splashing water everywhere, causing me to laugh a little bit. He resurfaced quickly and shook his hair out of face. The water droplets running down his face made him look so good. Finn did a once over of my body, from my face to my toes, and it caused me to look away from him. I know he's my mate but I really don't know what's going to happen between us. Will we fall in love? Will we officially mate? Did he call me here to reject me as my mate? So many things were suddenly running through my head and I didn't know what I wanted either.

"Are you going to just stand there or are you going to get in?"

"How about I just dip my feet in?" I walked over to the edge of the pool and sat down, letting my feet dangle in the water.

Finn waded over to me and grabbed my legs. I yelped, pulling back from him. "Chill, little wolf, you're safe."

My heart slowed down to its normal rate and Finn kept his hands on my knees, sending a warmth throughout my body that made me feel so good. Just when I thought everything was going smoothly, Finn lowered his hands to right below my knee, and pulled me into the pool.

Hi, another update since the last chapter was so short. College is tiring. 

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