Make them pay. The voice whispered in his ear. 

But he couldn't. 

There was something burning and digging into his back- what was it? Hikaru couldn't quite remember. They'd hadn't sent a missive to Konoha, nothing. So he was unknown, here in wherever the hell he was. 

A soft sigh left his lips and Hikaru let himself droop as if he was asleep, letting his mental blocks rise up. 

Hey, do you think we'll make it out?

No answer. 

Hikaru breathed in deeply. 

I hope we make it out. I really, really do.

Hikaru hoped so as well. He missed his team so much- the laughter and the smiles and being able to see them. But Hikaru wasn't sure on whether or not he would be able to leave. 

He wanted too- he had a feeling that the war was not over, but he also broke his promise to Shikamaru. And when was the last time he saw Kakashi? What about Naruto, or Sasuke, or Sakura?

"Hey, how long has it been?" Hikaru croaked out to what he hoped was a person. 

"A few months. Now shut up."

A few months?

Hikaru didn't understand. Had a few months actually passed? It only felt like a week at most- Hamasaki came every other day and Yuu came every day to heal him and put him to sleep, and then there were two made bodyguards and who knows who else. 

There would be nobody coming for him. 

No. They would come for him, Hikaru was sure of it. Hikaru was sure that they would arrive, because he couldn't do anything. He could barely move his limbs, let alone chew his food or even scream-

A hand on his back, and the kunai was pulled out with a resounding, disgusting sound that made a dull pain inside of him flare.

Hikaru didn't say anything. 


Torture was one of the few things that Hikaru had never undergone. Sure, he'd been in war, but he was never tortured like this

It was phsyical and mental. 

They broke his arms, broke his legs and had Yuu stitch them back together with her medical jutsu. They tore off his fingers and laughed when he bit his lip to keep from screaming. The pain was close to unbearable, and the only thing keeping him sane was Yuu. 

She hummed to him, put him to sleep with the kindest of touches, told him stories and the few times he asked about the war, she replied with how Konoha was doing from an outsider's view. It was unbiased as far as Hikaru could tell. 

His ears grew so sensitive that he could tell who was in the room by the sound of their footsteps. Hamasaki's were loud and clunky, while the day guard's was soft and light, like a hired nin. The night guard had a heavier step, while Yuu's was the pitter patter of a child's feet. 

He would get out and he would see his team again. He told himself that to also keep him sane, reminded himself of the times before Konoha flew into war and he was kidnapped, taken from the war zone that was their village. 

He was glad that the snow was over- Hamasaki had come in a few times, hands ice-cold and sniffling. At night his room had dropped to a freezing temperature, another type of torture that left Hikaru numb.

He'd garnered that he was in Kiri- there was a dampness that hung in the air, and the shinobi smelled of mist and wet grass most days, other days it smelled like rain. 

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