Surfs Up

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Walking back to our hotel was amazing. She has the most beautiful smile.

Everything I turn around to she her she puts on her smile that's contagious 😍.

I dropped her off her room and went to Garrett's.

I opened his door.

"GARRETT!!" I yelled
"What happen!" He came running fast.
I smiled and laughed. I sat on the couch.

"Garrett my brother. We kissed! It was just amazing!!" I daydreamed
"See I told you! What about Auslly fans and your Laura" he said
"I never said I was with Laura and we aren't together she wants to take her time so I'm not going to rush her"
"I see so you regret what you said" he has that 'I told you' face
"I do and I'm sorry dude I just got carried away"
"It's okay but at least you got to tell her you loved her right"
"I didn't exactly tell her I loved her but I will I am I just have to wait for the right time" I sayed already thinking of when.


"Grace! Guess what!" I said jumping up and down
"Woah what happen someone looks happy" she sayed looking happy
"We kissed! It was amazing I felt a spark light up" I said laying down on my bed
"Are you too dating?"
"No I told him I had to take some time" I felt stupid
"Yeah I guess you do need time"

5 days later..

It was the last day of shooting TBM
It was the last day of surfing and we were going to dance Surfs Up

Later that day..

" It's a summer paradise cruisin with the boy and girls
Surfin day and night everybody shoot the curl
Hang five keep it alive and then you drop down low all toe to the nose
Hang ten hot-dogin again let's go (ahh)
Surfs Up!!" We sang
We finished finally and Ross picked me up and we ran.


Finally finished couldn't wait to see TBM and hang out with everyone. That night we had a cast party and we hung out by the beach singing playing our guitars and just chilled.
The sad thing was that everyone was going to seperate. Although me and Maia were still going to see each other for some time to promote TBM.

I think tonight is the night I will tell Maia how I feel about her and I hope she really loves me back. 😏

What do you guys think? comment thanks for reading and please put this in your library I post daily

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