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Before you read I want you guys to know that today is 2 years of the song Loud by R5 🎉 listen to it up there ⬆️

Also get excited because it's Ross's POV

3 hours before...


It's been 15 minutes and Maia still hasn't came back. Should I go see if everything's okay. Or is she still doing stuff in there. I might as well go check just in case. I got up and went outside the girls restroom. Would it be weird to walk in there?

"Excuse me is there a young girl in there she's really pretty possibly sick?" I asked this old lady.
"There's no one in there?" She looked at me in a strange way and walked away.

I hurried and walked in.

"Maia" "maia are you in here" no sign.

Where the hell could she be? I called her phone 10 times still no answer. Maybe she left? I ran back to my car and drove to her house quickly. What if something happened to her? Don't think like that Ross! I ran straight to her apartment and opened the door!

"Maia! Maia! Where are you!" I yelled

I had to call someone.

"CIERRA have you seen Maia!!" I said
"No why?" She got scared
"I don't know where she's at we went to a restraunt and she disappeared call everyone and ask!!" I hung up and left back to my house.

What if something really happened? What the hell am I going to do now?
I swear if anything happens to Maia life is never going to be the same no more.

I arrived at my house and opened the door.

"Rydel!!! Rocky!! Anyone" I yelled
Suddenly Rydel came running downstairs.

"What's wrong? You scared me!" She said
"Have you seen Maia or even talked to her?" I said
"No I haven't talked to her since yesterday didn't you go with her to Seaside?" Rydel looked concerned
"Yes but I don't know what happened but she's not there I've looked at her house I've called but she's no where" I was done. I let the tears flow through my cheeks. This was no joke!

"What am I going to do Rydel?"
"What's happening? Are you okay Ross" Riker came downstairs
"No!! Maia's missing I can't find her!" I sat on the floor and kept dialing her number.

Riker and Rydel looked at each other.

"Let's call the cops" Riker said picking up his phone
"I'll answer" I said wiping my tears

"911 what's your emergency" the line said
"My girlfriend's missing I can't find her anywhere we were having dinner and she left to the restroom and never came back" I said talking really fast
"Can you repeat that slowly sir" she said
"My girlfriends missing!!" I said
"Where is the last place you saw her?"
"The Seaside Restaurant"
"Her name?"
"Maia Mitchell" I was sweating to bad I kept pacing back and forth
"What was she wearing?"
"She was wearing a black skirt with a white shirt and denim jacket please find her!!" I said
"Okay we will do everything possible to find her" she said and hung up

"What did they say?" Rydel said
"They are going to try to do everything to save her" I said
"What should we do in the mean time" Riker said holding his computer
"I'm going to go search for her call me if anything happens" I walked out and went back inside my car to try to find Maia.

I kept thinking about all the places me and Maia would go out while I was driving. I didn't even know where I was going I just kept driving and driving. I somehow ended up at the beach and I stopped by and looked everywhere. I looked like a weirdo starring at people and I as I looked I saw the damn paparazzi. Another problem. They just can't stop following people can they. I went back in my car and waited for them to pass by.

Maia Maia Maia where can you be. I hope nothing happens to you or no one hurt you because if they do I'll make sure they pay for everything. I can't have nothing happen to the person who I love with all my heart. The only person who I love to cuddle with or kiss or the person who's the reason I'm always smiling. Why does it have to be Maia? Why couldn't it have been me?

I'm going to do anything possible to get my love back.

Aw poor ross comment what do you think will happen
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