First Time

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I felt sick inside. I've never been so angry in my life. Being lied about something so important and big is horrible. I walked out and left from the room.

"Don't speak to me ever again!!" I yelled to Laura.
I got a cab and went back to the hotel to cool off. I didn't feel like talk to anyone at least not tonight. I needed to rest and think of something, something special.


We all looked angry.
"Why did you have to ruin it Maia" Laura rolled her eyes walking out
"Be quiet you should be ashamed" I said
"Let's go Maia we had to much for one night" Cierra said
We left with Rydel and the guys back in the limo. The ride was silent. It was awkward and to think who knew so much can happen in one day. We walked out and went inside the elevator. Me and Cierra said bye to them and got off on our floor.
"Maia are you okay" Cierra said
"Yeah I'm just tired" I yawned
"Me too" Cierra opened the door and went to our room.

I turned on the light and saw Ross on my bed.
"It's about time you came" he smiled.

Ross put out rose petals shaped in a heart. In the middle it said 'I love you'

I smiled and looked at him
"I know it's not Valentine's Day yet it's only November but Christmas is almost a month away. But I want to show you my love and today wasn't a really great day but I've let it out and my love for you is more important than anything in the world" he got up and kissed me. The sparks never leave between us.

"Awww Ross that's so cute" Cierra got emotional and happy.
"You guys are the cutest and most romantic couple ever OTP OTP" she hugged us
"Aw thanks" we said
"You realize you need to go get your own room" Ross laughed
"Wow I'll leave with Rydel but Maia tell me all the details okay!" She said grabbing her stuff
"I will" I laughed

"I love you so much Ross thank you" I said wrapping my arms around his neck.
I began to tease him by grabbing his hair in the back of his hair.
"Maia!" He laughed
"Turns you on?" I said
"You were already doing it! You look beautiful more beautiful everytime I see you! And you in that dress goodness now I see why you have every guy starring at you all the time" Ross says and he grabs my waist and picks me up. I wrapped my legs around him and walked toward the bed. He set me down slowly and stood on top of me. I grabbed his shirt and pulled it off. I kicked my shoes of as well as he did. Ross began to slip my dress off and through it on the floor. I unbuttoned his jeans and he took it off. We were half naked now. We began to make out for about 10 minutes and went under the sheets.
"Are you sure?" Ross whispers in my ear
"Yeah" I said

He slowly unclipped my bra.
And slide off my underwear. I took off Ross's pink underwear. Our bodies were attached and I never thought we would be doing this. It felt great doing it for the first time with Ross. We used protection just in case. About 2 hours later from moaning and yelling we rested. So much action was involved.
"Ross thank you so much" I said facing him.
"For what?" He says
"For being here with me" I say kissing him
"I'll always be here for you Maia. I won't be leaving anytime soon." He said hugging me from behind.

We fell asleep after a while and enjoyed our time. This moment changed everything. But in a good way.

If you guys heard the song I choice for the chapter then you know they got "Loud" tonight 😂😂 lmao I'm stupid

Comment what you thought of the cheater. 40 reads until the next chapter 😄

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