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Finally Ross'S POV after like 3 chapters 😂

I slowly started to wake up and found myself in the hospital bed. I looked at myself and I had was patched up on my stomach from the bullet.
I saw huge bears that my family placed next to me. I pressed the button for a nurse to come. Soon a nurse came in.
"Hello Ross! How are you feeling?" The nurse said giving me a cup of water.
"I'm okay where's my family?" I asked
"Your parents just left to go get something I think there's a young lady waiting should I bring her in?" She said
"Yes who is it?" I questioned
"I'm not sure?" She went out to go check.

I overheard and it was Maia.
"Sorry but you have to be family mam." The nurse told maia
"But he's my boyfriend please let me see him!" Maia begged

"Let her come in!!" I yelled
Maia came in and all my pain went away.

I saw her beautiful face come closer to me. Her smile gave me butterflies. I missed her so much.

"Ross!!" She said lightly hugging me
"Hey be careful his injury is very serious!" The nurse said. She seemed mad. Haha jealous much
"Her hugs make my injury heal so don't worry it's better then medicine" I smirked
"I love you so much" maia kissed me and I told her to lay next to me

"Can you leave us alone for a bit please?" I asked the nurse
"Sure lovebirds" she laughed

"Maia I don't want you to feel bad for me taking the bullet I did it because I love you and I would do anything to keep you safe" I said looking at the ceiling
"Baby how do I pay you for doing that!" She said cuddling with me.
"Well I know a couple things you can help me with at home" i winked and laughed
"I'll sure help you" Maia said winking back

Right after Rocky Rydel and Riker come in.

"Hey guys" I said turning to them.
Maia got up and stood.
"Ross we are so glad you're alive man" Riker said shaking my hair.
"What is she doing here?" Rocky asked
"Good to see you too" Maia rolled her eyes
"What's wrong with her here" I said
"She almost got you killed that's what" Rocky said
Maia burst to tears.
"What the hell you're making her cry asshole! And I did it to save her it wasn't her choice!" I yelled
"Maia just go we can't deal with you right now" Rydel said
Maia ran out.

"You fools! Stop blaming her for everything!" I yelled at them
"But ross we were just tr.." Rydel said
I cut her off "trying to ruin my life?! Nice job now get out let me rest if mom and dad come let them come in but I don't want to talk to people who make my girlfriend cry and run out so I suggest you all leave!" I called the nurse and had them leave.

I can't believe that they would blame it on Maia. Why does everyone think it's her fault? I hope Maia doesn't have that affect her.
I saw my phone placed on the table next to me and I called Maia but I forgot she left it at the stupid abandoned place so Maia didn't have a phone. Then I thought of Cierra I heard she was with her. I looked through my contacts and called her.

"Cierra hey it's ross" I said
"Ross omg how are you"
"Good but are you with maia?" I asked
"No I'm at her house with her family didn't she go visit you?" She said
"Yeah but Rocky made her cry so she left"
"That asshole we broke up yesterday !" She said
"Wow how many things happened while I was sleeping?"
"A lot but do you want me to tell Maia you called?"
"Tell her that I love her and I want her to come back when she can I'll be going home tomorrow" I said
"Okay I will bye ross get well" she said
"Thanks bye"


Maia just arrived and I told her everything. She was kind of glad. I decided to leave her with her family and I drove back home. As I got off my car I kept getting calls from Rocky. I couldn't call him and listen to him argue about Maia because first of all Maia is like my sister and I'm tired of him.

I walked up to the door and saw Rocky standing on the porch.

"Rocky? What do you want!" I said
"Cierra I'm so sorry I've been acting like an ass please forgive me" he begged
"Rocky I won't forgive you until you forgive my best friend. And I mean you talk to her and let her know that you acted like a douche. If you don't want to then I won't so either leave to go say sorry to Maia or go get lost!" I unlocked the door and went inside. He stood outside and I was about to slam the door on him but I had one last thing to saw to him.

"And before I slam the door on you, I want you to know that you hurt me. I cried myself to sleep because of you. Please leave me alone." I said wiping a tear of my face
"But Cierra I.." I slammed the door and ran upstairs

(Just saying I might start to write a little rockierra scenes)
Well like and comment what you thought of the chapter. Goodnight or good morning 😆✌️

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