Hospital Bed

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Make sure to listen to 'Stay with me' it's up above


I woke up and I saw in the same room as Ross. He has so many machines and wires connected to him. Ross looked pale and I feel so bad for him.
I was patched up and my leg was held up in elevation because I think I might of either broke it of sprain it?

The doctor came in and welcomed me.
"Hello I am Doctor Crosswell" she said
"Hi I'm Maia uhm how is Ross?" I questioned
"I'm not sure but you are just bruised up and sprained you will be ready to go back this afternoon or possibly tomorrow" Crosswell smiled.
"And Ross?"
"Maia I know you love Ross but we need to do surgery on him and hopefully he has a chance. Feel free to call me Aggy" she said
"Okay thanks Aggy" I said turned to Ross and looked up at his heart monitor.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beeeee..

Ross? No Ross! Beeeeeeep. Beeeeee

Soon enough the Doctors came rushing inside and turning all the machines on to try to save him.

"Mam we have to take you somewhere else!" The doctor started pushing my bed to another room.
"Ross!!! Baby don't leave me!!" I yelled

The doctor placed me in another room. He started to put a cast on my leg and he made me stand up.
"Okay you are just a bit swollen and bruised. You leg will be fine in about a week or so. I'm your other doctor." He said
"Well you can go to the front office and I'll give you some papers. Try to relax and don't stress." He smiled and walked away.
I walked slowly to the front desk and got the papers. I turned and saw Rydel, Rocky, Ellington, and all his family gather in the waiting room.
They looked really sad and kind of mad.
I walked up to Rydel and hugged her.
"I'm so sorry!" She said
"No I should be!" We cried
"What's happening in there?" They asked
"They are trying to get his to wake up" I sat down and looked at the time.
"How the hell did he even get shot" Riker said
"Uhm Ramy shot him" I said. I felt so much hate inside because this was suppose to be me not him.
"Ramy!!!!" Rocky yelled.
I shook my head wiping tears away.

Half an hour Cierra came running inside the hospital.

"MAIA!!" She yelled.
I got up and hugged her tightly.
"Cierra!! I missed you so much" we kept hugging and pulled apart when Rocky kissed her.
"Hey Rocky" Cierra said hugging him
"Hey honey" Rocky said

5 minutes later the doctor came and said "Ross is. He's awake but we still need to some more surgery on him" he said
"We can do some family visiting but only for a few minutes who wants to go right now?" He said

Everyone wanted to go but Stormie suggested that I should go. I was really happy but the guys weren't.

I walked up to the room and saw Ross looking down. I walked slowly up to him.
"Ross?" I said
"Maia! Baby" Ross's sigh turned to a smile.
"I'm so sorry Ross this should of been me not you" I said
"Don't say that you know that I would take a bullet for you. Maia I love you so much. I want you to do me a favor yeah" he said
I looked into his eyes and held his hand
"Anything for you Ross!"
"Maia I want you to know that no matter what happens I love you and I if you know I pass away I want you to live your life for me okay?" He smiled
"Ross don't say that you have to stay strong for me okay baby" I said
"But stay with me tonight. I want you to stay with me tonight" he said
"I will don't worry" I kissed his gently and then I was told I had to leave.

Then his family went after. I stay with Cierra but I didn't speak much.

After his family came back. Ross's mom and dad went to go get some coffee and it was just us left.
"Maia I think you should leave Ross" Rocky said
"What?" I was confused
"Look Maia! Something always happens when Ross is with you!" He spoke up.
"Maia please just go home right now" Rydel sighed
"You're tell me you won't forgive me if I don't leave Ross alone?" I said
"Pretty much!" Rocky said crossing his arms
"You know what I'll leave Ross alone but just because I'm doing his sibling a favor after what he did to try to save me. BUT I PROMISED HIM SOMETHING!!" I cried out
"I'm going to stay with him tonight because all I got are the words that he said" I said walking away to another room
"You are such an idiot Rocky! You have the nerve to say such thing to Maia" I heard Cierra say in the back.
"Cierra! But you don't understand me" he said going after her
"Maybe I don't bye Rocky" Cierra was mad and came to sit next to me.
"Maia everything will be okay but are you really going to leave Ross?" Cierra said putting her head on my shoulder.

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