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Thanks to hoaforever for the song choice and the chapter may suck sorry


I was told I could go back home today so I'm pretty stoked because I miss my bed and Maia. I told my parents to drop me off at my place. I wanted Maia to come and cuddle with me while we watch movies together. I'm still mad at Rocky and the others for acting like douches yesterday. Like it just makes me even more mad thinking about it.

I got off my moms car and slowly made my way to my room. Finally after that painful walk I laid on my bed and suddenly got a text from my manager.
'Ross get well soon but first watch this video' I clicked on the link and watched the video
'This is Hollywood Updates I'm Hanna and this is Dallas'
'Have you heard about the story with Ross and Maia wow'
'I've heard that Ross got shot by Ramy because they were fighting over Maia!'
What the hell are they talking about!
'I've also heard that Maia was getting out of the hospital with Cierra Ramirez and Maia told them to leave her alone and Cierra was standing up for her by pushing the paparazzi' Dallas laughed
'They have such a hard life goodness I though I had a complicated life. Did you know that they also cancelled Austin and Ally because something went on with Laura? They don't tell us nothing but I'm just guessing there was a love square going on'
A Love Square? They have to be kidding me!
'What if they split up? Is it going to be an on and off relationship well who knows! Well we will keep you updated on Hollywood Updates'
'Remember to Subscribe and comment what you think I know a lot of Raura shippers and angry haha bye'

I put a thumbs down for the video and dropped my phone. Thankfully it didn't crack but I'm pissed off. I picked it up and texted my manager back.

'What the hell! They are making suck ridiculous ideas 😡' I texted
'Didn't I tell you something bad would happen if you started to date Maia! Now Austin and Ally is canceled!'
'Laura is the one who tried to kill Maia and kidnapped her with help of Ramy!!'
'Listen I don't know what will happen but you have court on Thursday as well as Maia so be there'

I then texted Maia to come to my house if she wasn't busy.


My parents just left back to the airport. I was sad tags they had to go but they only got a couple days to be here. Cierra called me again crying. I'm feel so bad about her relationship but she told me she wouldn't forgive Rocky if he didn't forgive me first but that's weird because he hates me.

Knock knock knock..

I opened the door and what talking about the devil it was Rocky.

"Maia I know I'm such an ass for being so rude to you at the hospital I was just so scared that something bad would of happened to Ross. Maia please forgive me I will do anything to get you to forgive me please. " Rocky begged
"Rocky I know that you were scared but next time don't be blaming others for something like that because then I'm going to be really sad but I forgive you" I said hugging him
"Okay but you have to do one thing okay go to Cierra and climb up her balcony like Romeo and she'll forgive you" I laughed
"Really?" He said seriously
"It was a joke but I'm just helping you get Cierra back you idiot" I said laughing
"Okay thanks Maia!" He said
"Bye Rocky" I said
"Bye Maia and thanks and sorry haha" he said running to his car.

I closed the door and how sweet he forgave me even though I didn't think he would.

'Cierra Rocky forgave me 😃 now you better forgive your Romeo'
'You will get it later 😂'
'Still don't get you but okay'

I also got a text from Ross and I got my purse and drove straight to his house. I opened his door and ran upstairs to his room. I saw him sleeping on his bed. He looks like an angel. How cute. I laid next to him lightly touching his blonde hair. I gently placed a kiss on his lips and slept with him. My hero my saver my love and most of all my life.


I woke up and found Maia sleeping next to me. She must of saw me sleeping and laid next to me.
She soon woke up and smiled at me.

"Hey beautiful" I smiled
"Hey handsome" she giggled
"Thanks for coming"
"Well I need to treat my baby don't i" we laughed
"Of course especially since I'm injury" I winked
"Aw poor thing should I help you"
Maia and I began to kiss and slowly got on top of her. We were making out for a good 20 minutes until she stopped.

"Are you okay?" She asked
"Couldn't be any better" I said
"Let's watch a scary movie" I said putting on Netflix
"You know I hate scary movies Ross" she wined
"But I'm going to be here so nothing's going to happen babe" I said
We decided to watch Insidious so we cuddled and covered ourselves with a blanket.

Maia sat between my legs and placed her head on my chest.
"Ross!!" She yelled
"Maia it's just a movie" I laughed
"Shut up it's scary" she said
"Aww here" I hugged her and kissed her head

"I love you aussie" I said
"I love you too baby" she said

I loved seeing her wrap herself on me when she would get scared. I really did feel like her hero. The hero who will always be with her and who will save her from anything. 😌

Thanks for reading like and comment if you liked the chapter ☺️

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