Water Gun Fight

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It's been 5 minutes after we've posted the pictures and I'm already starting to get hate. Deep inside me I knew it was the worst choice and that I would regret it and now I'm regretting it. So many Auslly fans are commenting 'it show of been Laura' or 'Maia I hate you' and it's starting to effect me. I turn to Ross and he smiles. I make a fake smile to him and turn back to my phone.

Buzz buzz

"It's my manager!" I roll my eyes and answer it

"What did I tell you! Why did you lie to me Maia! You know this was a bad idea! So many people are
Complaining! Maia Maia Maia" my manager was frustrated.
"Why because I have a boyfriend? Because they can't have ross? Because they can't deal with the fact that I'm in love?" I tell
"Maia stop!" My manager says
"No I won't stop and you know what I don't care what others think! At first I've seen the hate I'm getting but you know what I'm also getting love by the shippers! I love Ross and if they want they can support or leave their hate to themselves!" I hang up and let out my emotion.
"Maia baby it's okay come here" Ross says as he puts me in his lap.

"Ross why do they hate me!" I placed my head on his chest
"They don't hate you baby they are just jealous that I have a beautiful talented girlfriend and that they can't have me" Ross tickles me and I end up laughing.
"See that's what I want to see. I want to see you smile." Ross hugs me and goes upstairs.


I hate seeing Maia get so much hate and it's bothering me I pick up my phone and start making a video.

"Hey guys this Ross Lynch. Many of you guys know that I've publicly announced that I'm with Maia Mitchell aka the best girlfriend ever. Okay after a few minutes some of you guys start giving her hate? Why?! If you want to hate on her because she's beautiful and talented and smart then that's stupid or because she's with me. Before you start commenting rude things to her which is cyber bullying if you don't know then do it to me first. I won't let you guys do that to a girl who I love and adore. You are hurting me too so stop! Now here's for the haters. You are going to keeping hating but do that to me instead or mind your own business. Any for the nice people thank you. But overall I love my fans just be nice to people okay. Thanks and have a great day."

I stopped the video and posted it on YouTube. I let out all my steam into that video and I hope people start to understand me or not then screw them they aren't real fans.
I put on my pink shorts and headed downstairs to go swim in the pool with Maia and everyone else.

I turned to the kitchen and saw Maia jump on me.

"You scared me maia" I laugh
"Aw" she giggles
"You put on your bikini already" I said
"Well yeah you were taking a long time" she says
I realize it was because of the video.

"Oh yeah now let's go in the pool" I grab Maia and jump in the pool.
"Riker get the water guns we are having a water gun fight" I yell Riker comes with a box full of guns.

"Okay 7 of us so it's not even" Ellington says
"Nope it's 8 now" Cierra comes out.
"Cierra!!!" Maia yells
"Maia!!" Cierra yells back
"Okay me Cierra Maia and Ross" Rocky says
"And me Ellington Riker and Ryland" Rydel says

"We need girlfriends dude" Riker says to Ryland.
"What are you talking about you need a girlfriend I already have mine her names Bella Denise" Ryland says while everyone cracks up.
"Dang Riker your the only single one" Ellington says (yes rydel and Ellington are together in the book because they are so cute 😍🙌)
"Shut up and pick your gun so be can have a water fight" Riker picks up his gun and fills it up with water.

"Losers have to go run naked through the street" Riker laughs
"No I'm not letting you guys see me naked I'm your sister you idiot" Rydel says pushing Riker into the water
"What the fuck" he says

"Come on let's start the fight!" Maia and Cierra scream
"Okay each of the teams go on the opposite sides of the pool" I say
"If you get soaked with water by the other team your out but you can be saved by your team" Ryland says

"Okay let the battle begin ready set go" I say

We start running and spraying everyone. I end up soaking Rydel and Ryland and I see Ellington go after Maia.

"No maia run! I'll save you my princess" I run after Ellington and Maia laughs
"Thanks my hero" Maia says kissing me

After that the other team surrendered.
We ended up winning.

"Yes we won!!" We sayed
"You guys need to go start the barbecue since you guys lost" Rocky says

At night we had a bonfire and everyone gathered around the fire.


I ran upstairs to go change in Ross's room. I saw something on Twitter that Ross posted. I clicked on it and it was a video Ross posted up on YouTube.

1 minute later...

Ross made the sweetest video ever just to help me not get hate. I tweeted back 'Thanks for doing this babe ilysm 😘'. I felt 100x better after and changed. I borrowed Ross'S sweater and went back outside. I saw Ross smiling and playing the guitar. I sat next to him and layed my head in his shoulder.

"Thanks" I whisper
"For what" he says
"For the video" I say
"That was nothing I just want to people to hear me out you know" he says kissing me on my forehead

I suck at chapters but comment what you think and if you have ideas for chapters always message me

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