Roller Skating.

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When I woke up I saw Maia still sleeping so I went to go make her breakfast. I made her pancakes with cut up fruit and a glass of juice.

I brought it to her in bed and she woke up.
"Ross is this for me?" She said rubbing her eyes
"No it's for me!" I laughed
"I'm just kidding I made this for you"
"Thanks babe" she said
"Here I'll feed you too" we talked and and ate.

"Maia can I tell you something?" I asked
"Of course" she replied after drinking her juice.
"I think you are the most beautiful girl ever and I've seen pretty girls your Australian accent is cute and don't even get me started with your smile" I said
"Aww that's so sweet of you" Maia said kissing me
"I'm amazed I got a chance like this to be with you is probably be depressed if you didn't forgive me yesterday"
"Ross you knew after that song I would forgive you and you sure know how to make a girl happy" Maia said

I went on Twitter and Instagram and people were talking about last night.
"Maia we are the cutest celebrity couple"
I laughed
"What?" She was confused
"Remember yesterday everyone is talking about us" I told her
"Wow now we can kiss in public"
Maia said
"Yeah let's go show off and roller skate at the park" I said
"But I don't know how to"
"You are looking at the pro" I laughed
"Okay let's go"


At the park Ross put the roller skates on me and he got me from the hand and I followed.
Ross wanted me to try to roller skate myself but I couldn't.

"Okay Ross I'll do it" I said

I pushed foward slowly and kind of roller skated.

"Nice job" Ross said

He roller skated like a pro while I was going slow 😂
"Try to spin it's easy" he said
I slimmed and slipped and fell onto the grass

"Maia!! Are you okay?" Ross ran up to me getting me up.
"I'm fine it's okay" I laughed
"Here" he picked me up bridal style and we went to the bench to take off the roller skates.

"Tag you're it". He laughed and started running
"Wow I'm gonna get you I was in track if you didn't know" I started chasing him
"Then this shouldn't be a problem" he ran up the playground.
I ran up but he had used the slide. So I hid in the slide waiting for his to pass by or go up on the slide without looking.

He looked for me and I saw him pass by so I ran up to him and tagged him

"Caught you" we giggled and peaked each others lips.
I jumped on his back and he ran down the hill of grass and we rolled down it. We laid down on the grass and looked up at the clouds.

"See that one up there it looks like a puppy on a bowl" he said
"What? It looks a bear on a hill"
"Wow mines cuter"
"Whatever see that one it's you on a dolphin" I said
"See but that's not bad right" he said
"No it's pretty cute" I laughed
"Let's play superman okay stand up give me your hands and I'm going to put my feet on your stomach and I'm to hold you and you're superman" Ross said
"I feel like a bird" I joked

We played around and had a lot of fun that day. I'm not gonna lie or be cocky but we are the cutest couple ever. Later that day we went to an interview for TBM. Then the next day we had to go to New York for more interviews but it was great because Ross Grace and Garrett would come.

Ross dropped me off at my apartment that afternoon to back.
I went to Graces house that night.
The minute I went to her house she couldn't stop talking about how cute and Ross were yesterday 😂 I guess a lot of people know.

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