The News

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"...are you really going to leave ross" Cierra said
I thought about it
"No how can I leave a guy who took a bullet for me. I'm not leaving Ross not even if someone pointed a gun to my face."


It was 11pm and I was waiting for the doctors to finish the surgery. I couldn't help but ask every 30 minutes of the surgery was done. I sat down back where the Lynch's were and avoided Rocky and them. Cierra left to get us coffee and I saw one of Ross's doctors walked towards us.

"Lynch Family I would like to inform you that Ross's surgery is finished. It went very well but he needs plenty of rest. He won't be waking up until tomorrow at noon so I suggest you all go home and rest as well." The doctor smiled and walked away.

I was relieved. Nothing better then hearing that Ross was okay.

"You are one lucky girl Maia" Rocky said
"If anything would of happened I would of never spoke to you in my life" he said rolling his eyes
I didn't know what to saw so I looked down.
"Look Rocky you either stop your shit or we're done" Cierra came and gave me my coffee.
"Cierra were done!" He yelled

I looked at Cierra and I saw tears coming out. She threw through her coffee and left running.

"Wow now you are hurting my best friend! You are such an ass Rocky" I got up and went chasing after her.

I finally caught up to Cierra in the parking lot.
"Cierra Cierra stop please" I said running out of breathe since I couldn't really run because of my sprained ankle.
"Maia" Cierra turned back and hugged me. I could hear her cry and let tears run.
"It's okay Cierra sometimes guys can be jerks" I pulled back and gave her tissues.
"He's not going to let you go remember you are the one who told me that guys will always have to talk to you back and tell you something from that book" I lightly shakes her and she laughed a bit
"You're right can we go to your house and sleep" she said
"Of course" we walked back and we saw paparazzi and fans outside.

"Great they are going to ask us questions and look I'm all bruised and sprained. What are we going to do" I said nervously
"It's okay just avoid them" Cierra said

We walked closer and the paparazzi came started to run towards us.

"What happen maia"
"Is it true that Ross got shot by Ramy"
"Did Laura go to jail"
"We hate you bitch!!"
"It's all your fault"
"You are so selfish"
"What happened to you"

That's all i heard when I walked through the crowd. Why can't people just mind their own business

"Can you all stop leave her alone" Cierra said pushing people
"Please go away and leave people alone" I said to the paparazzi
"We won't leave you alone you were the cause of Ross getting shot or something!!" Some hater said

I couldn't let these people just say these things to me. I was building so much anger inside of me. I quickly turned and starred at them.

"Look! If you don't like me then shut up! And its personal I won't tell you what happened to me but just know that it was the most horrible thing ever. So if you want to make me feel worse it's working. Stop it!!" I said
"Come on Maia" Cierra said opening the car door.

I got in the car and drove back to my apartment with Cierra. This is officially the worse week of my life.

I opened my door and I saw my family had arrived from Australia.

"Charlie!" I yelled
He came running up to me and so did my parents
"Maia are you fine what happened" my dad said hugging me
"It's a long story but I'm way too tired to explain"
Me and Cierra shared my room and my parents and Charlie in the guess room.

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