The Truth

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I'll be honest the song I put up doesn't really relate to the chapter but I love this song 😂


"Don't tell me that I'm... Im gonna be a dad!!" I told Maia
"Ross you are.. You're going to a be a dad" she said as her eyes were watery I knew she wanted to stop crying
I fell to my knees. I pulled my hair back and starred at the floor. I looked up at Maia and held her hands.

"Look Maia!! I don't want you to think that just because i might be a dad I'm going to stop loving you! I love you so much" I said as my voice started to crack. I wasn't the emotional type of guy so this was really important.
"I love you too Ross but what about.. Laura and your baby?" She said
"I don't know Maia" I looked around and saw Laura
I ran up to her. She started to cry and came to my arms. I hugged her back. I felt bad and stupid at the same time. Why in the hell didn't I use protection. She cried in my arms for about 5 minutes. Laura looked so upset and it hurt me.

"Laura what are we going to do" I said pulling back from the hug
"I don't know Ross I need to think about all this!" She sat down on the couch in my dressing room.

I saw Maia walk away but I had to stay here with Laura.


I saw Ross and Laura hugging and I felt like the third wheel. I had to leave them alone for their time. I went to talk to Cierra who was with Rydel.

I didn't even know what to do or say anymore. I mean the fact that they had sex! Woah and without protection! Ross was really messed up from the head. I kept walking until I found them sitting in Rydels dressing room. Rydel got up and hugged me.
"It's going to be okay Maia" Cierra said hugging me too.
"No it's not! Nothing is ever okay" I sat in the middle tearing up
"Honey life is hard and a bitch at times but Ross really loves you" Rydel said
"He does and he still will and you know I don't like Laura so I'm with you" Cierra sayed putting her head in my shoulder
I smiled
"You guys are right I need to keep going on but do you think Ross is going to be back with Laura" I sayed looking at them.
"He better not" Cierra sayed
"I don't know?" Rydel said


I watched Laura begin to sleep and I looked at her stomach. It was still flat but just imagine in 3 months it's going to show. This is really going to change our lives. Austin and Ally is going to cancel. We will get fired and disney isn't going to like us. And what about our fans. Some will stop being fans especially raia fans. But Auslly fans will get super stoked. Maia on the other hand is suffering and she has been suffering for way to long.
I really love Maia and I want to show her how much I love her but I also want to be a part of my kids life. What if Laura takes custody of the baby and I won't be able to see him/her. I had a lot of thinking to do and I will have to keep this relationship with Maia just hopefully a secret if she would like. Depending on how she feels about it now that Laura's pregnant.


I got up and went to the restroom to let of steam. I walked up the restroom and locked the door. I washed my hands and dried my self with a towel. As I placed it down I saw the pregnant stick. I didn't want to touch it but I wanted to see it. I saw it and didn't realize it was actually negative. THAT FUCKEN LIAR. How dare she lie like that. They wouldn't believe me so I took a picture which felt so weird but it was my proof just incase she lied back.

I ran straight to Rydels room.
"CIERRA RYDEL!!!" I yelled
"What happen!!" Cierra yelled getting panicked
"She lied!!" I yelled
"Who?" Rydel said
"Laura!" I said. Cierra's mouth dropped completely. And Rydels face got red.
"What the fuck!!" Rydel said
"Let's go get this liar!!" Cierra said

We kind of looked like 3 bad bitches which was cool but I was too mad.
"We look bad ass walking fast to bust a bitch" Cierra laughed
"Omg Cierra shut up!" Rydel said

"Where is she!!!!!" I yelled inside Ross's room
"Shut up she's sleeping" Ross whispers glaring at us
"Aw how sweet huh" I said walking up to her
"Ayy Laura wake up!!!!" I yelled
She started opening her eyes
"What the fuck Maia I'm sleeping what do you guys want" as she rubbed her eyes
I grabbed her from the wrist and pulled her up and slapped her across the face. Oops.
"MAIA!! She's pregnant what the hell!" Ross yelled
"What a bitchy Australian!" She said putting her hand on her cheek.

"ROSS DONT DEFEND HER SHES A LIAR!! SHES NOT PREGNANT!!! And don't call be a 'bitchy Australia' you whore" I yelled so loud that the guys came in

"What!!!??" He sounded confused
"It's true Ross her pregnacy stick says its negative" Rydel says.
"Is that true" Ross looked at Laura in the most upset and disgusted way.
"Fine it is!!" Laura said

Woah!! Now that was tense. Comment what you are thinking right now please I want to read your comments. 35 until next chapter update

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