I'll always be there for You

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Listen to the video up on top by the end of the chapter you will get why I put that song 😁


I figured that I wouldn't date anyone until I felt we really loved each other.

We worked pretty much the whole day and were getting close to finishing the movie. I think in about a week we will have Teen Beach Movie finished.

While everyone was getting ready to leave I left. I went walking to the beach and tried to forget everything. I say down on a rock and watched the sunset .


I had a pretty good filming. I sayed bye to everyone and was about to leave to my hotel room but I forgot to get my bag from the beach. I
Ran quickly and grabbed it. As I turned I saw a shadow in the distance.

It was Maia. I dropped my bag and went to her. I walked closer and closer I could hear her crying.

"Maia you alright there" sitting next to here
"Sorry Ross I didn't see you there" she wiped her tears away
"Is it because of that douchebag" I said while putting arm around her
"You've heard" she said trying not to tear
"I swear if I ever see him I'm going to make him regret everything he has done to you" trying to make her feel secure
"Thanks Ross" crying on my shoulder
"It's okay Maia"
"I'm sorry I wet your shirt with tears"
"Don't worry we are going to get wet anyway"

I grabbed her and put her on my back. We swam in the ocean 60% of the time we were laughing and chasing each other.

I went to go get my bag that had a
towel thankfully

We shared the towel and I felt good putting my arm around her and talking about random stuff.

"Maia I want you to know that I'll always be here for you"


Hearing him say that was probably the best thing he has ever said to me.

"Thanks Ross" I smiled

I turned and saw him starring at me.

Our eyes collided. We leaned in and the kiss went on forever I just wanted more. He pulled me back and we kept kissing. It was the type of kiss you couldn't stop.

We finally pulled back.

"Ross as much as I loved that I'm not ready to be with someone after a heartbreak" I sighed.

"Maia I understand. I'm not going to rush you. But can you promise me something?" Ross sayed

"Yeah Ross?"

"Promise me we will still be good friends and you won't cry for that bitch again" he laughed

"Okay" I laughed and hugged him while he put his arm around me ☺️💞

Hope you enjoyed stay tuned for the next chapter 10+ views for new chapter

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