Chapter 5: The Shipper

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Sorry for the wait but, like I said, I didn't want to write. I didn't like how I imagined the story, I wanted something more unexpected. So I thought a lot to create in my mind the perfect ending. By the way, this will be my last For You House fanfiction. Because I want to write about other fandoms (for example, about BL dramas). Also, I don't think I still ship YanSeph. I think I keep writing about YanSeph because that's how people know me: YanSeph Shipper. But Yanseph is over since about 6 months, it just makes me nostalgic and I don't really ship them anymore. By the way, I'm gonna change my name and my profile pic soon. Oh and, last thing, stop telling me to update or to post. If I don't post, there's a reason. I know you don't mean bad but you make me feel like I'm just a fanfiction writer robot, which I'm not. I'm a human. Now, you can enjoy the chapter.

POV Carla

It has been a week since these two boys told me their feelings. And I have to admit, my life became really fun. Every day I find a letter in my locker from Ian. I find it so cute. As for Joseph, he acts like a perfect gentleman: he pays me food, he holds the door for me, he moves my chair for me to sit. I like that. But every time they cross paths, they argue. Even people in the class noticed it. Now everyone knows who Ian is, he's the guy who always argues with Joseph. And I still don't want a boyfriend but it's fun to watch them bicker for me.

"So," Ralph asks me," you still haven't chosen between your two suitors?

- No," I answer," I still don't want to have a boyfriend.

- But if," Cedric asks," you had to choose one, right now, between those two, who would you choose?

- Probably Ian. The flirty type like Joseph is not my type. Ian is more romantic, shier, more touching, cuter, he's just lovely.

- By the way," Ralph continues," what is your type, exactly?

- Nice boy, smart, funny, romantic, sensitive and who loves me more than anything. Why this question?

- Nothing, I'm curious.

- You're weird. "

I then go back to class and everything is going as usual. At the end of class, before I can leave for lunch, Joseph and Ian pounce on me (not literally, of course) and ask:

"Carla, can we go to the movies this weekend together? "

Wow! The synchronization is perfect! Joseph and Ian give each other a death look.

"I asked her first," Ian growls," get out of here!

- I asked her first," Joseph retorts," you are just a nuisance!

- Anyway, I thought about it first.

- You have no way of proving it. "

Are these two serious? They're really arguing over which one asked me out first!? Guys are really stupid! And people are surprised when I tell them I don't want a boyfriend. At the same time, have you seen these two morons?

"Why do you always want to stop me from doing what I want, Yanyan!?

- Because you want to date the girl I love!

- So what? It's not like she loves you!

- She doesn't love you either, you fool! "

There he scores a point. Well, I'm starting to tire of their argument. I get up to go. Ian grabs my arm.

"Please, Carla," he begs me doggedly, "can you go on this date with me?"

- But I don't want to go to the movies," I answer sincerely." If you want to go so badly, both of you go without me. "

Joseph begins to sneer:

"I don't want to see Star Wars or anything like that with that jerk.

- Why automatically," Ian offends," Star Wars!?

- Because all you love is anime and sci-fi movies, you bastard! You are so old-fashioned! "

And here we go again! I sigh.

Sometimes it's funny but often it's just boring. Besides, they're loud so everyone can hear them and watch us and I hate being the center of attention.

"If you want to see a movie so badly, go see it together and stop pissing me off.

- Never!" The two boys shout in perfect sync.

They tire me out! I get up and leave but my two suitors are not done with me and follow me.

"Please," Ian begged me," just one date.

- She doesn't want you," Joseph gets angry," you haven't understood yet? "

If only I could just disappear ... I try to get as far away as possible but they keep following me like little dogs. I then arrive in a fairly isolated corner of the courtyard but with no possible way out. Ian and Joseph continue to argue. Is it really worth it that I'm still here?

"Either way, you're a boring dwarf!

- You're barely taller than me! What are you talking about!?

- But I'm still classier than you!

- Having designer clothes doesn't define someone's class! It just means you're fucking arrogant!

- Oh shut up! "

And there, to the surprise of everyone present (so Ian & I), Joseph puts his hands on Ian's cheeks and brings his face closer until his lips are brutally on hers. Ian's eyes widen and I am speechless at the sight. It's even better than I thought! Oh my God ! Who could have expected this outcome!? How I wish I had popcorn with me! Joseph pulls back with a smirk as Ian stares at him, his face flushed.

"There," Joseph says, "it's so much better when you shut up. "

It took a few seconds for Ian to come to his senses.

"You ... You kissed me to shut me up !?

- Of course. For what other reason? It's just a kiss, no need to make a big deal out of it.

- You say that like you kiss guys all the time!

- Not all the time, but it's already happening. I already kissed Franz for a fun. Besides, you have much softer lips than him, he said, coming closer, like a girl's.

- Don't approach me, pervert !!!

- Oh okay! I get it. It was your first kiss, right? And I stole it from you. "

Joseph laughs one last time and walks away while Ian is still all flushed. And I can't help but find this scene so cute. They are so cute together!

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