Chapter 18: Alone

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So here's the second part to the previous chapter and the next chapter will be following this one and it will be in Yanyan's POV. By the way, be prepared to hate Yanyan in this chapter. Enjoy!

POV Joseph

I doodle in my notebook as I always do when I have free time when I see a familiar figure in my line of sight. A broad smile stretches my lips as I close my notebook and place it on the bench where I sat before rushing over to the object of my thoughts.

"Yanyan! "

Seeing me, he heaves a long sigh. It's always a pleasure...

"What do you want, Joseph? "

How lovable he is!

"I just came to tell you about some news that will shock you. "

Yanyan arches one of his eyebrows. A smile widens my face as I tell him:

"I'm sorry but Ely has a boyfriend, that will never be possible between you two."

" I know. And I haven't been in love with her anymore for about 10 years! "

" How do you know ? She moved to go to college. "

"I have her as a friend on Facebook. "

My smile disappears. He stayed in touch with MY big sister but not with me...

"You are friends with her on Facebook whereas I ask you as a friend every night for a month and you refuse ..."

"Because we're not friends. "

Yes, thanks for wiggling the knife in the wound, but this time I'm not going to let it go!

"It's true, we're not friends. I want us to be more than friends. "

"Joseph, we already talked about it-"

"What's wrong with me, Yanyan !? Is it only because I'm a boy that you reject me or is it for some other reason? Why don't you at least want to be my friend !? Why do you keep rejecting me? While I ... FUCK I LOVE YOU YANYAN! "

I suddenly feel several looks on me and I see Yanyan's gaze, totally panicked. I look around and see that ten people are facing us, as if we were fairground animals. Ok, I spoke a little loud, I admit. Yanyan's face is all red and anyone can tell he is very uncomfortable with the attention focused on us. But I don't care. I am not ashamed of my feelings for Yanyan and I would like him to accept them. I turn to our spectators and growl:

"You have nothing else to do !? So go wipe your ass instead of looking at us with your fried whiting eyes! Just one remark and that will be the last thing you say! "

The "crowd" gives us one last look before leaving us alone. Yanyan seems reassured that they are gone but refuses to look at me.

"Yanyan, I want answers. "

"... Do you really want me to tell you the whole truth?" "

" Yes, I want it. "

Yanyan takes a deep breath and sighs. He then plunges his gaze into mine. Her eyes are cold and hard... I don't like to see that in her pretty eyes.

" You want the truth ? Ok, I'll be blunt. I hate you, Joseph. I hate every part of you. I hate your voice, your smile, your eyes, your hair, your nose, your laughter, your body, your ears, your filthy personality. Everything about you repels me. Everything you do only pisses me off. You bring attention to me and I hate it. You do whatever you want without worrying about others and the consequences of your actions. You think everyone should love you because you smile but no, you're just a pain in the ass. All you did was embarrass me. I wish I had never met you. No, I wish you had never been born. You can die, I don't care! No one really loves you anyway ... "

Every word stabs my heart. Why do I love him so much...? I couldn't fall in love with someone who loves me. It had to be him. I must be a masochist. The worst part about it is that he's right... I don't think a single person really loves me and that hurts.

" I get it. I won't bother you anymore. I'm sorry for any harm I may have caused you. "

I feel my voice is weak and broken, but it must have been hard for me to speak without crying. I must not crack... Especially not in front of him... He would hate me even more...

I don't even wait for him to answer me and go up to class. All day long, I did the minimum. I feel like an automaton. As soon as class ends, I go home without further delay. I enter my totally empty house. Again, I am alone. Being the youngest of the family, all my sisters have already moved. My sister Ely, who is only a year older than me, moved to go to college a few months ago and my parents, as usual, are working. If I stay alone, I will end up breaking down. So I decide to call my friends.

I'll call Amber first. The phone rings a few seconds before she answers:

"Hey, Joseph, sorry, I won't be able to talk to you, I'm at the music club. I'll be busy this evening. "

She doesn't even give me time to talk before she hangs up. Great ... I'm calling Franz. He picks up quickly.

"Hey, Franz, can we see each other tonight?" "

"Sorry, man, I have a very important presentation to make, I'm not free. "

I hear a female voice in the background. He hangs up. A presentation or a date? Asshole. I sigh. Here I am again alone... All alone... Maybe Yanyan is right... Maybe the world wouldn't care if I die...

My Joseph is a bit depressed here...  😅

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