Chapter 10: What happened 6 years ago part 1

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So we finally know half of what happened 6 years ago. This chapter will be in Joseph's POV and it explains how Joseph lived it. The next chapter will be in Yanyan's POV and will explain the reasons why they stopped being friends. Hope you'll enjoy it!

POV Joseph

Carla looks at me for a few moments then asks me:

"What happened 6 years ago? "

"Honestly, even I don't know. I feel like I don't have the whole story. "

" What do you mean ? Can't you remember? "

"Oh yes, I remember it perfectly. "

" So what's the problem ? "

"Yanyan was behaving strangely, I always felt like he lied to me that day.


It was a day like any other at first glance. Yanyan and I were in my room playing video games. We had came back from school. We were 11 years old. I had sensed something weird about Yanyan. I felt like his mind had been absent all day. And there he had just let me win by the fact that he wasn't really into the game. I sighed and decided to tell him what was on my mind:

"Yanyan, what's wrong with today !? "

"I don't know what you mean..."

"You are not as usual. If you have any problems, you can talk to me. "

Yanyan lowered his eyes and said in a small voice:

"You're the problem, Joseph. "

I looked at him without really understanding.

" What do you mean by that ? "

"I think... we should stop being friends. "

These words had the same effect as if I had been stabbed with a dagger in my heart.

" What are you talking about !? "

"I don't like you anymore, Joseph. I'm tired of being with you. "

In all my life, nothing has hurt more than those words.

"Did ... Did I do something wrong? "

" Yes. Being you. "

"I... I thought that... you liked me. "

" Not anymore. I've had enough of you. "

My voice was shaking and my vision was blurring from the tears that were starting to form in my eyes.

"What's wrong with me !? "

He looked up and looked at me. His gaze was hesitant at first and then it turned cold.

"Joseph, leave me alone. "

"You are lost without me, Yanyan. You don't have any friends. I'm all you got, you can't throw me away like this! "

"You pity me, is that it !? I'd rather be alone than with you! "

"What did I do wrong in the end !? "


"It was years ago and I didn't know about your illness. Even you didn't know. What is the real reason? I can change what bothers you. Please don't leave me alone... "

He stood up and said in a voice void of all emotion:

" You disgust me. I can't even stay in the same place as you anymore. I've wanted to tell you the truth for years, but I held back because I felt sorry for you. But nowe, I can no longer continue to lie to you and to lie to myself. "

"You are lying... It's not possible. You like me. You care about me. What we lived together during all these years, it wasn't a lie. "

"Yes, it was. I never liked you. I've always hated you since the first day my eyes rested on you. "

I could feel the tears running down my cheeks. I felt like my whole life was just one big lie. Yanyan gave a sadistic smile then continued:

"From now on, you're going to stop talking to me, you're going to pretend that we don't know each other, you're not going to hang out with me anymore, you're going to pretend you never liked me in the first place, you're going to stop worry about me! You and I are strangers from now on. "

I hurried and wrapped my arms around her legs, crying.

"I love you, Yanyan. Do not leave me... "

"Goodbye, Joseph. "

He turned his back on me and walked out of my house. He never came back.


And for years, I did as he wanted. But I never stopped worrying about him, even though I didn't show it. "

Carla seems to take in the news and then ask me:

"What did he mean when he accused you of almost killing him? He is sick ? "

"It's a long story, but to make it short, the reason Yanyan is never doing sports is because he was born with a heart defect, too much physical effort can kill him. He takes medicine every day for that. And if he doesn't have a heart transplant very quickly, he may die in the years that follow. I researched about his illness in junior high schol. When we were kids, we both didn't know that about him and I forced him to run. That day, he almost died. "

Yep, maybe that was a lot of information all at once.

"So, do you think he lied to you 6 years ago? "

"Yes, of course! He cared about me. I am convinced of it! I don't know why he screwed it up that day. Maybe he found out I had feelings for him before I knew it myself and he got scared so he rejected me. It can only be that. I hadn't done anything wrong except loving him ... "

Yeah, Yanyan was harsh. I agree. But we'll know soon why.

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