Chapter 23: Happy Birthday, Badong part 2

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I kinda like this chapter but the next one is another level! You're gonna love the next one!

POV Joseph

I wanted so much to see him today and yet ... right now, I wish he hadn't seen me. I see the hurt in his eyes, I see that he is unhappy and to see that, it's like receiving a stab in the heart... Considering the position in which Carla and I are, I have no difficulty imagining what's going through his mind right now. He probably believes that I played on him, that I just wanted to humiliate him by telling him that I love him, that I wanted him to fall in love with me so that I could have Carla all to myself. But that's not true ... Yanyan, you are the one I love and I will never do anything to hurt you. I'll never do anything with Carla.

I jumped out of bed immediately, as if to avoid having any misunderstanding, even if it was already too late. I have to talk to him, explain it to him.

" What are you doing ? "

I look at Carla who is now sitting on my bed.

"I have to explain it to him. I don't want him to think there's something between us. "

"I'll go instead of you. "

"What? What do you mean ? "

"Joseph, you know, like me, that Yanyan will be more inclined to listen to me and believe me rather than you so let me deal with this misunderstanding, okay? "

I know she's right but it annoys me to not talk to him. As if she sensed my confusion, she takes my hand to reassure me.

"Trust me, Joseph, I'll make it all right, I promise. "

After a long moment of silence, I sigh:

"Ok, I'll wait here for you. "

" No. "

Why "no" ? Seeing my brow frown, she smiles and orders me:

"You are going to talk to Franz and you are going to be make up with him, is that clear? "

" Yes Madam. "

She laughs and pat me lightly on the shoulder before leaving.

I walk down the stairs and see Franz, looking sad, sitting on a sofa, as everyone around him seems to be enjoying themselves. I walk over to him and stop right in front of him. He looks up at me and looks at me apologetically. I sit down next to him and we are silent for a few minutes before we open our mouths at the same time to say:

" I'm sorry ! "

Franz continues:

"I should have told you about me and Vien, it was stupid to hide it from you but I wasn't sure it was going to be serious between the two of us so I preferred to say nothing. I should have told you, I'm sorry. "

"I haven't been honest with you, Franz. I have always had a certain attraction for men, as much as for women, but I have always hidden it from everyone because I was afraid that I would be judged, that I would be hated ... I really believed that I was in love with Carla but by spending time with Yanyan, I realized that I loved him, even if it is not reciprocated. I should have trusted you a lot more. I'm sorry. "

A weight has just come off my shoulders and I can see from Franz's face that it's the same for him as well. It makes me feel good to find my friend. Franz then gives a teasing smile and asks me:

"Why Yanyan? Of all the men in this high school, there are tons who are prettier, funnier, smarter than him, so what's special about him? "

His question surprises me and to tell the truth, I never really thought about it. Why did my heart choose Yanyan?

" I don't know. Frankly, I don't know. Everything you say is true: Yanyan is really cute but he doesn't flaunt himself, he has a short temper and he only hurts me, he is not a good student but he is a real geek about everything which is manga, science fiction or space. The reason I love him is probably because he makes me happy. When he smiles, everything in me sings and I feel good. No one has ever had such an effect on me before him. "

Franz nods and then I ask him my question:

" And you ? Why Vien? "

" I don't know. After the party at Amber's, (and our kiss) we saw each other a few times as friends to talk and stuff. She is a bright young girl despite her young age and before I knew it I couldn't stop thinking about her. I wanted to talk to her all day, to see her. I... I think I'm in love with her, that's why I asked her to date me. She agreed immediately, she told me that she fell in love with me at first sight. "

"I see... can you do me a favor?" "

He nods.

"Don't tell Amber that I love men. It's not that I don't trust her but I wait until I'm ready to tell her. "

Understanding my request, he nods. Then I see Carla coming back inside. I apologize to Franz and join her.

" So ? Have you talked to him, Carla? "

"Yeah and I explained everything to him, I told him this was all a misunderstanding and he seemed to believe me. "

" Does he... ? "

"... I'm sorry, he still doesn't want to come in. "

"I see... Don't worry, you did your best. I'm fine, don't worry ... "

It's wrong. I'm not doing well at all! I want to see him. I want him to smile at me, I want him to talk to me ... Yanyan, what are you doing with me?

Seeing everyone having fun while I am unhappy, I decide to walk away. This birthday is really the worst. I go up to my room to isolate myself and peek out the window. However, what I see surprises me: Yanyan was sitting on a branch of the big tree between our two houses looking at my garden. What the hell is he doing here? I open my window and sit on the branch opposite Yanyan's. He looks up at me and then redirects his attention back to what he was looking at a few seconds earlier. I'm surprised. I expected him to tell me to go away, but not at all. He lets me stay by his side. At this thought, a wave of heat swept through me. I watch what he watches: in my garden, Franz and Vien are dancing lovingly looking at each other to the music that could be heard from inside my house. It seems like an intimate moment. A slight smile stretches Yanyan's lips then he says to me:

"I would like to know that ... Dancing in the arms of the person I love ..."

He then lays his gaze on me.

So did you like it? I hope you did!

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