Chapter 4: Lost Friendship

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So in this chapter, we know a little more about Joseph's and Yanyan's relatioship. Hope you'll enjoy a bit of drama.

POV Yanyan

Who would have thought that one day I would have to "fight" against Joseph for a girl? I have dreamed hundreds of times of talking to Joseph again, but not under these conditions. Why does Joseph want Carla? Why can't he leave her to me? He knows I don't stand a chance against him ... Maybe if I ask him, he'll drop her? In remembrance of the good old days. After all, he can have any girl he wants. Carla is not special to him. Yes, I'll talk to him about it tomorrow. When the next day arrives, I wait until he is alone to go talk to him. I don't want people to think of us as friends.

When he finally separates from his gang to go to the restroom. I follow him and I'm waiting for him to come out. He comes out, I run over to him, grab his wrist and drag him to a place where there is no one. I say point blank:

" We need to talk.

- I have nothing to say to you," he says bitterly," bye.

- I want you to stop flirting with Carla!

- Why would I do that?

- Because I love her... "

Joseph gives a small laugh.

" So what ? I like her too. Why would you have more rights than me to date her?

- Because you can have all the girls that you want!

- But SHE's the one I want! Not another girl!

- Please, in remembrance of our friendship ...

- Are you serious !? Are you using the friendship card !? Whereas YOU are the one who broke our friendship! I loved you more than anything and you threw me away like an old sock! Without any valid reason! I did everything to please you, I took care of you but you, you didn't care! Why would I do something for you when you never did anything for me? "

Ok, I hadn't foreseen this scenario where he would still be mad at me. I should have ... because it's the case. I don't think I can expect anything from him so ...

"Alright, fine, I'll leave you then.

- Wait," he says to me," I haven't finished talking. Yanyan, you stole my best friend 6 years ago and now you want to steal the girl I like. It's too much! You take everything I like from me ...

-... Sorry...

- Nevertheless, it's possible that I don't try anything more towards Carla FOR YOU. On one condition: that everything becomes as before between us. I would never leave the girl I like with a stranger but I would gladly leave her with my best friend because friendship is important to me. So is that okay? "

I want to say 'yes' but I know it's best if we're not together.

"No, this is the only thing that I can't do for you, Joseph.

- I did everything for you! I stopped talking to you, I stopped hanging out with you, I pretended I didn't know you, I pretended I don't love you, I pretended I don't worry about you! I did everything you wanted but you don't care, huh!? In all the people, you were the one I loved the most. And it kills me to know that it was never reciprocated. You can't even pretend to like me. I don't even know what I did wrong... "

You haven't done anything wrong, Joseph, on the contrary. You have always been perfect. I have always loved you. That's why we can't be friends.


I still remember the first day we met. I was only 4 and I used to spend all my days in my bedroom drawing or playing video games. I didn't have any friends ... until I met you. As usual, I was in my room drawing when I heard a noise against my window. Curious, I looked up and saw a stone bump against my window and the noise repeated itself. Wondering who was throwing stones at my window, I got up and opened my window. And there, a few yards from me, with a hand full of pebbles, on the windowsill opposite, stood a little boy of about my age with the brightest smile I've ever seen all my life.

Seeing me, he dropped the pebbles he was carrying on the ground.

"Hi, my name is Joseph. My parents, my big sisters and I have just arrived in this house. And you, what's your name?

- Ian. Why are you throwing pebbles at my window?

- It was to get your attention.

- Why?

- I don't know anyone here. I have no friends. I went up to my room and saw that there was a little boy in the house next door so I thought we could be friends. "

I looked around like I expected someone else to be in my room because I couldn't believe someone really wanted to be friends with me. But no, I was quite alone and he was talking to me. He wanted to be my friend. I felt a wave of heat in my heart.

"Do you want us," Joseph continued, "to go play outside together?

- I'm not allowed to go out.

- Oh. So it's me who's coming to you. "

My eyes widened. He wanted to come to my place!?

Without waiting for me to answer him, he jumped onto the tree between our two houses and, with the agility of a monkey, easily reached my room through the window. I thought he was going to go through the door, like a normal person, but no! Joseph wasn't a normal kid. He saw my game console and smiled.

"Oh, can we play please?"

Without really knowing what to do, I nodded and we spent hours playing video games together. This is how he came into my life (and my bedroom) and our friendships began.

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