Chapter 25: Would you like to be my boyfriend?

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I am so sorry for being so late but I've been quite busy recently. Trust me, I try to upload as soon as possible. Anyway, here's the new chapter. I hope you'll like it.

POV Joseph

I wake up with a big smile on my lips. Last night on my birthday Yanyan kissed me and he kinda told me he loved me... in his own terms. Well, I think so. Does that mean we're dating? I chuckle as I think about what that would mean. We would walk in the streets hand in hand, we would go to see a horror film and he would get scared and hug me (or the reverse, it is more plausible), we would kiss each other with the sunset in the background, we would spend hours on the phone saying "no, you hang up first", etc ... Yes, our relationship would look like an American romantic comedy, I agree.

Are we really dating? It wasn't very clear ... The best way to be sure is to ask him. I get ready and go downstairs to go to his place. I ring and he opens the door yawning. He looks like he's just woken up too. When he sees that it's me, he blushes and looks down, like he's intimidated. He is so cute. I clear my throat and greet him:

" Hey... "

" Hey... "

"Can we talk? About what happened yesterday? "

Still blushing, he nods and lets me in.

We go up to his room and sit on the bed. For several minutes neither of us said anything. To be honest, I've never had to deal with a situation like this and I'm sure Yanyan too. Last night we kissed... like a real shared kiss. He wanted it as much as I did, but does that mean we're dating? I'm not sure but hey, one of us has to talk and it'll probably be me so might as well do it right away. I then ask the first question that crosses my mind:

"Do you regret...?" "

He looks at me for a few moments then looks down, blushing. He then shakes his head from side to side. He finally said:

"It was a carefully considered decision. I wanted it. "

I can't help but smile when I hear these words. Yesterday was definitely not a dream. I take his hand and look at him fondly.

"I love you, Yanyan. "

His face turns as red as a tomato. He's so cute.

"I know, you say it all the time. "

I laugh. He will never let go of his pride. I bring his hand to my lips and place light kisses on the back.

"Yanyan, would you like to be my boyfriend? "

There it is. I scan his face, a little anxious for him to say "no". But what he does is even more surprising than I thought. He puts his lips on mine gently, making me blush from ear to ear. He intertwines his fingers with mine and looks at me determinedly.

"You turned everything upside down in my life, Joseph, you have to take the responsibilities for the consequences, so you can't not be my boyfriend."

Ok, this is a bit messy but I guess it means "yes".

"I take full responsibility for the consequences, Yanyan. "

He smiles and kisses me tenderly. If this is a dream, make me never wake up. Suddenly he pulls back and says to me:

"Before I agree to be your boyfriend, you have to promise me two things. "

"Anything you want, Yanyan. "

"First, I want you to promise me that you will never, ever break up with me. I forbid you to dump me! I'll make your life hell if you do! "

"I would have to be killed for me to want to break up with you. I promise you: I will never break up with you. I'm yours for eternity. "

He smiles at me and kisses me again. I ask him :

"And the second thing? "

He bites his lip.

I can't help but smile when I hear these words. Yesterday was fucking real and I'm so happy. He looks nervous.

"I wish you didn't tell anyone about our relationship. It must remain a secret. At least for a while. "

" Why ? "

"I'm not ready to come out. "

He takes my hand and nervously plays with my fingers. He keeps on :

"I don't like the fact that you have to have a label. But yet, it must be done in the society in which we live. And I don't know what I am. Just a month ago, I was sure I was straight but I guess I'm not anymore, unless I am secretly a woman but frankly I doubt. All I know is that I'm attracted to you. I don't want others to judge me for not being straight or not knowing what my sexuality is. I want to know it and accept it before I can tell others. Do you understand ? "

I can totally understand that. Even though I know what my sexuality is, I have only told very few people about it. Today, I feel like shouting that Yanyan is finally my boyfriend to everyone, but a while ago I won't. I have to respect his decision.

"Yes, I understand perfectly. I promise to not say anything. "

He smiles and squeezes my hand in his hands. He is so cute ! I walk over and stroke his cheek before whispering into his ear:

"Can we kiss again? "

He nods, laughing. I waste no time and rush to his lips. A little surprised, Yanyan ends up lying on the bed while I devour his lips above him.

While so far our kisses since we were a couple have been shy, light, almost chaste, this kiss is not innocent at all. It's like we're going to die if our lips part. He greedily responds to my kiss and I don't know how long we kissed. Yanyan even moans in our kisses. Suddenly we hear the front door open. I jump back so as not to be surprised in an awkward position. The truth is, she'd better not see us right now, given our puffy lips, wrinkled clothes, and disheveled hair. I place a quick, short kiss on Yanyan's lips before running out the window to return home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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